Chapter 18

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(Y/N) Your Name
Peter and Ned stood inside Octavius Industries. In any other situation they'd be beaming at the chance to poke around the amazing technologically advanced building. However they were there with Dr. Hawkins to find more information on where (Y/N) could possibly be.

     "Dr. Octavius' alibi just came through, so that lead's shut down." Grumbled a cop.

     "What about Ryan?" Asked Ned, looking at Peter.

     "Our strongest lead. Dr. Octavius says he hasn't seen him since last week, but we can't find him."

The psychologist involved with the case spoke up. "It's truly a strange case. He had a second chance at life, which makes it even more interesting that he would even begin to act out. His actions are going to be difficult to map out with this sort of mental instability going on in his head."

It had been a few days since (Y/N) went missing. Dr. Hawkins and Peter had been working together to find her with the police. However without a way to track Ryan it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

     "My sincerest apologies, Dr. Hawkins." Dr. Octavius pleaded. "If I had known the boy showed any sign of retaliation I would never have brought him here."

Peter frowned but stayed silent as Dr. Hawkins replied. "Let's just find the kid and get my daughter, ok?"

      "Now that we're in the building, let's try and find some sort of clues to where this guy is." The officer said to everyone in the room. "Anything suspicious, or just out of the blue will help."

As everyone broke off, Peter and Ned went into the laboratory.

     "I've always wanted to come in here." Ned awed. "But... not like this."

Peter stayed quiet. "You look tired." Ned said to him.

He examined the items on the tabletops. "I was out looking for (Y/N) last night."

Ned sighed in worry. "We gotta find her Peter."

      "I don't get it. I did what Mr. Stark said and didn't tell her, but she still got taken away." Peter sniffled, rubbing his eyes of exhaustion and tears. "I should have told her from the start, then she'd at least know I was coming for her."


Peter looked over at Ned. "What?"

     "Check it out." He said, pointing at a podium.

Many test limbs for the new prosthetics lay out for visibility and testing. An arm, a leg, even a finger. But what caught Ned's eye was an giant case which looked as though something had been ripped out in a hurry.

     "Dr. Octavius!" Shouted Peter, looking down at strewn wires and broken glass all over the floor.

He ran in, as well as Dr. Hawkins and a couple of police officers. "Well, that certainly is worrying."

     "What was in it?" Asked someone as the other officers took note and pictures for evidence.

     "It was more of a test to see what capabilities the new material had." Explained Dr. Octavius. "A giant claw, that would be attached to the back. We used it for strength and grip tests. It was remarkable."

     "You think that kid took it?" Asked a cop. Ned and Peter looked at each other in worry.

     "It is possible." Responded Dr. Octavius.

Suddenly, his face lit up. "But I had a tracker installed. I knew it was too valuable to leave unattended to."

     "Well hurry!" Dr. Hawkins cried. He was starting to grow impatient.

Dr. Octavius nodded and walked to a computer not too far. A few minutes of some keyboard clacking later he raised his hands in joy. "I found it!"

Everyone rushed to his side as the screen lit up a dot right above where they were in the Financial District.

"Greenwhich Village? That's not far from here." Dr. Hawkins said.

"Sending out first responders to—"

Before the cop could finish his sentence, Ned found himself sprinting after Peter who was headed for the door.

      "Peter think this through! The guy has a really strong claw for an arm!" Shouted Ned as they ran into an elevator lobby.

Peter spammed pressed the buttons and huffed an angry sigh, deciding on the stairwell. Ned groaned as he ran after him.

      "I can handle him." Peter cried, sliding down the railing.

Ned panted. "But you don't even know what he wants with (Y/N) yet, shouldn't you wait for the police?"

They stumbled out the door into the building's lobby, where Peter led Ned out the door to the nearest alleyway.

     "He might know we're onto him." Peter thought out loud, quickly unzipping his backpack and changing into his suit. "But I still have a few minutes to get ahead."

Now wheezing, Ned had collapsed onto the floor. "Peter.... police.... crazy.... (Y/N)...."

      "If they ask where I went, Aunt May called and needed me at home." Peter said. He was now fully suited up and pulling his mask on. "I hope (Y/N) is ok."
Ryan had left me on the floor for the rest of the day, or night. I had no idea what time it was or how long it had been. For the most part I was tied up in a chair, or tied up on the floor. Hunger was starting to consume me. I was fed a slice of bread sometimes but it wasn't enough.

"I'm hungry." I groaned.

"Shut up." He said, not moving his glance from the computer.

Ryan had also stayed in the same position, sat in front of his computer. I hadn't seen him eat much aside from a slice or two of bread either. He just stared at the screen like a man possessed.

"I'm hungry." I snapped again.

Using the claw he threw the bag of sliced bread at me, only a few left inside. I felt a surge of glee rush through me before I realized my hands were still tied and I couldn't even open it. I slowly leaned over to it, reaching with my chin to hopefully bite it open.

As I snapped at it with my teeth, Ryan suddenly jumped out of his seat with his hands in the air. "He—He's coming here!"

His shouts caused me to jump and topple over, the bread just out of my reach. "Who?"

"It worked! Spider-Man is coming to get you!" Quickly and in a flash he grabbed a scarf before walking over to me trying to wiggle my way towards the bread. The words had not quite registered as I wasn't listening.

He kicked it out of the way before the claw grabbed me by the rope on my wrists and dangled me in front of him. I felt my shoulders pulling me up with an intense pain.

"Did you not hear? Your boyfriend is on his way." He sneered before tossing me back on the floor.

I grunted as I hit the ground. "He.... wait, he's coming? To get me?"

He must have seen my smile because he grabbed a scarf and tied it around my mouth. My pleas caused him to chuckle as he used the other around my eyes. "Yes. Don't worry, you'll see him soon. I wouldn't let you miss this for the world."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now