Chapter 11

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(Y/N) Your Name
Everyone had heard about what happened. I had missed a day of school to take care of my emotions but even without me the gossip ran wild. No one asked if I was ok, because all they cared about was the story.

      "Is it true he really did that to you?"

      "I heard he showed up completely naked."

      "Did you and Spider-Man do it on the roof?"

By lunch I was about ready to slam my head against the lunch table. "No, no, and no!" I yelled.

Ned bit his lip. "Some of these are just stupid."

     "I just wanna eat my (favorite sandwhich) in peace." I sniffled quietly, looking down at my cold lunch.

Peter patted my arm. "I'm sorry. Can we do anything?"

"Can you guys come over?" I asked looking up.

"I have to go home." Ned sighed. "I procrastinated an essay."

"And I have to do errands for Aunt May—"

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"I just..." My eyes swelled up but I blinked away the tears and looked back at them. "I don't want to go home by myself."

Ned and Peter looked at each other, Ned giving Peter pitiful glances before Peter piped up.

"You can come with me." He said. "We can go to my house after."

I grinned. "Thank you thank you!" I hugged him and then went back to my sandwhich.

"Sex offender?"

"Yeah, one of our friends saw him at his house arrest yesterday. He's gotta write that down on all his college apps."

The three of us looked at each other and continued to eavesdrop on the two girls sitting next to us.

"Ryan's kinda hot but not hot enough for me to sleep with him if he broke into my house." One of them scoffed.

The other nodded. "His life is ruined. He's probably gonna be stuck handing out Big Red Bus flyers at Times Square for the rest of his life."

"If they'll even hire him." They snickered together.

I widened my eyes and looked at Ned. "I ruined his life?!" I whispered.

"He deserves it." Ned calmed me down. "He hurt you, he tried to—"

"Does that warrant getting your life ruined?" I asked. "What if in two years he regrets it all but can't move on because I've basically ruined his life?"

Peter grabbed my hand. "(Y/N). If he gets better he will do his best to get his life moving on. But right now he deserves this punishment. He could have killed you, if it weren't for, you know."

I blushed. "I know."

Suddenly the bell rang. I sighed, looking down at my sandwhich. "Well I hope no one notices me eating in class." I said, grabbing my stuff. "See you after school Peter."
Ned and Peter walked towards their next class together. Peter knew Ned was only waiting for (Y/N) to leave so he could ask all the questions he needed.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now