Chapter 20

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(Y/N) Your Name
Peter's head swung to Ryan, who had an evil looking smirk on his face.


     "All you gotta do, is tell little (Y/N) here who you are. Who you really are. Then, I'll let her go and I'll turn myself right in." He sighed.

     "You can't be serious." Peter glared. "You'd never—"

    "Why Spider-Man," Ryan feigned insult. "Cross my heart and hope to die, I will let her go if you do this."

(Y/N) tried to shake her head weakly, knowing it wasn't true. But she no longer had the strength to protest. "Don't do.... it."

Peter felt his heart shatter at the sound of her quiet and tired voice, knowing that if he had just told her in the first place and been there to protect her instead of leaving, none of this would have happened.

     "..... ok."

(Y/N)'s eyes welled up, and Ryan's pure glee showed through a malicious grin as Peter reached back and slowly pulled the mask off. Her breath hitched when the eyes she found herself getting lost in at school and home became the ones looking right at her now.

    "Pe.... Peter... Peter...?"

Ryan cackled as Peter looked once more at (Y/N) before back at him while shoving his mask back on.

     "And get this, (Y/N)... Peter's got a big ol crush on you!"

(Y/N)'s heart dropped as she looked back at her best friend, who she now desperately needed to see again.

     "I did what you wanted, now let her go!" He yelled, getting impatient.

    "No, no Ryan no..." (Y/N) felt her energy slowly coming back as she knew what was about to happen. "Peter!"

    "Alright alright...." Ryan giggled. "I will."

The claw's grip around (Y/N)'s waist disappeared as she slipped through and fell over the edge with a scream.

Before he could jump down after her, Ryan let go of the H&M sign and it dropped right into the crowd of people. They began to shriek as well, doing their best to move out of the way to no avail.

     "Good luck Peter." Ryan snarled before running down the fire escape.

Two possibilities flashed through Peter's mind,  both with a bad outcome. Although only seconds were passing they felt like eons. He filled with panic and anxiety, knowing time was running out for an option. Suddenly something flew by him at an alarmingly fast rate, simply shouting,

      "Get the girl, kid!"

Without a thought he dove down towards (Y/N), her screaming drowning out his thoughts. 

"Don't worry (Y/N) I got you!" He yelled. "Just try not to panic!"

"What are you—?!"

Peter then shot a web to the building next to them, swung towards (Y/N) in the nick of time. His arm wrapped tightly around her.

"Peter, what about—?!"

A cheer from the crowd under the building went up as the figure from before stopped the claw from hitting anyone.

"I contacted Tony Stark as part of his defense mechanism installed in your suit."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now