Chapter 10

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(Y/N): Your Name
My room was dark with only my desk lamp on so I could see my assignments. I had a mug with (hot chocolate/favorite tea) to help warm me up in the cool autumn weather.

I would close my window but although it had been a couple of weeks since Spider-Man had come to visit me I always kept it open.

     "Ms. Hawkins?"

I looked up from my desk, surprised. "Yes Sofia?"

     "Are you expecting a visitor today?"

     "Ummmmmm no." I said, slightly concerned.

     "Someone under the name of Peter Parker is here to see you."

Peter? But he just....

I blushed at the thought of him coming to surprise me. "What is he doing here?" I asked. "I just talked to him."

     "He says he has something urgent to talk about. It has to be in private."

     "Let him in." I grinned, standing up from homework to make myself look presentable.

Oh gosh my hair's a mess, I'm not wearing my bra where is my bra.... why am I so excited to see Peter?

Once everything looked decent I ran out of my room towards the door, stopping in my tracks when I spotted the sofa.

There's my bra.

I grabbed it and flung it out on the patio. The door knocked and my heart pounded. Unexplainably happy I practically skipped towards the door and pulled it open.


But it wasn't Peter who stood outside the door.


My eyes widened when Ryan walked into the room. I tried to block him but sadly my strength was no match for his.

     "What are you doing here?" I demanded. "Get out."

      "I asked if we could hang out peacefully and you said no. I had to do this the hard way." He said, slamming the door shut.

      "The hard way?!"

Ryan grabbed my wrists in one hand. "Where's your room?"

      "Excuse me?!" I glared. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

However he dragged me against my fighting towards the living room. "There's no room for denial. I want you and you want me, so we're gonna do this."

Desperate and afraid, I tried to free myself so I could reach for the banister button or pummel him. "I don't want this! You'll go to jail!"

Suddenly he pushed me to the couch and before I could do anything he slapped me across the face. I let out a small noise as he grabbed my wrists again.

Ok that hurt more than I thought it would...

      "I'm not asking you again." Ryan growled. "Where is your room?"

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now