Chapter 12

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(Y/N) Your Name
Half an hour later we sat on Peter's bed, bowls filled to the brim with (choice of cereal) and homework laid on the floor.

      "This is hard." I mumbled.

      "Can we pretend it's not due tomorrow and just focus on the sugar?" Peter asked, his mouth full of cereal.

I giggled. "Sure Peter. Why don't we talk about your Stark Internship instead?"

Peter blushed. "Tony Stark is a really cool guy, he's basically like my mentor. He teaches me everything."

      "Like spreadsheets?" I asked.

     "Sprea—? Oh. Yes like spreadsheets." Peter chuckles nervously.

     "It's so cool that you have an internship." I smiled. "I wish I could have an internship with someone as great as Tony freaking Stark."

     "He's kind of a softie." Peter continued. "I mean he's tough but he's definetly a softie."

    "Have you gotten to meet any of the other avengers?" I asked eagerly.

Peter scoffed. "Yeah totally. I've met them all."

My eyes bulged. "What?! Tell me everything!"

Peter opened his mouth happily, then caught himself and swallowed. "Well ok, maybe all of them is an exaggeration. I did see Tony Stark and he's an avenger."

     "Your life is crazy Peter." I chuckled while shaking my head. "Speaking of crazy... you really don't have a crush?"

     "No." Peter fumbled. "Who would I like? Ned?"

     "I mean, to each their own." I shrugged with a smirk.

He gently elbowed me. "No Ned for me, thank you."

We continued to eat our cereal together. I looked up at him quietly. He was so peaceful, his eyes gazed off into the distance and his hair brushed gently over his forehead. I smiled.

      "Thanks for letting me come over." I said softly. "I'm worried about Ryan, if you didn't know."

      "No worries. I'm sorry about your balcony." Peter grimaced. "Maybe Spider-Man will find some other way to visit you?"

I snorted. "I'm not that important to him. He's probably moved on."

Peter seemed to stop himself short. "I'm sure that's not true."

     "Well either way, I'm definetly gonna have a shortage of Spider-Man in my life." I looked up.

A police siren sounded by, and Peter jumped up. I raise an eyebrow at his strange behavior.

      "Uhh, Peter—?"

     "I just remembered!" He stuttered. "I uh, gotta shower."

     "Oh, do you need me to—?"

    "Yes please and thank you." He said, collecting the bowls and rushing outside to leave them at the sink.

I searched for words as I was hurried out the bedroom door. "I'll be done in twenty minutes. Aunt May can keep you company."

      "Where is she?" I asked, turning around only to have Peter poking his head out the door.

     "Thanks!" He said before shutting it.

I sighed, dropping my hands down to my sides.

Well that was weird...

I walked around the apartment. I had never been able to explore. As I made my way past the windows in the living room, I noticed the tv screen was playing the news.

      "Dr. Otto Octavius of Otto Industries introduces his groundbreaking technology to the public today. Incredible life-like prosthetics, which would allow veterans and paralytics a second chance at life."

Well how about that, that's great!

     "As part of his vision for rehabilitation he has hired a juvenile to be part of his project in janitorial services, an adolescent who was charged with breaking and entering and molestation on 82nd street in Uptown Manhattan—"

The tv was interrupted by a familiar webbing noise shooting past the window. My stomach shot up to my throat as I ran to the window and saw Spider-Man flying by.

      "Peter!" I cried, beginning to run back to his room. "Peter did you see that?!"

As soon as my hand reached the doorknob, I remembered that Peter was probably naked on the other side.

Oh gosh that's.... a thought.

My cheeks burned red and I knocked. "Peter did you see Spider-Man?"

No answer.

Maybe he's in the shower then...

I let go of the doorknob and sat down on the couch. My thumbs twiddled as I continued to watch the news.

Peter hauled up the men into a corner before webbing them together one last time. He clapped his hands of dust and began to web towards the wall.

     "Karen, hows (Y/N) doing?"

     "(Y/N) is currently on her phone. She is playing (favorite phone game)."

Peter beamed. "Time to head back towards her."

"Peter, are you aware of Otto Industries' new rehabilitation attempts?"

"Yeah," Peter webbed off the building and began to swing. "Dr. Octavius made some prosthetics right?"

"He also hired Ryan Wilson, juvenile charged with breaking and entering and molestation, in his janitorial services."


Peter was cut short by slamming into his closed bedroom window. He groaned and shook his head.

"Ryan? At Otto Industries?"

"That is correct."

Peter flung his window open and crawled inside, hurrying in getting dressed.

"I gotta get (y/n) out of here. There's more security at her place. Thanks Karen."
The bedroom door burst open. I turned around to a panting, out of breath Peter.

"Hey (y/n)!" He said, grabbing my hand. "Let's go to your house."

"My house?" I asked, confused. "Why?"

Peter stumbled his words. "The, uh—the plumbing here is bad so we gotta... ya know?"

"Did you shower?" I asked, letting go of his hand and feeling his dry hair instead.

"Shower! I didn't get to cause the plumbing was bad." Peter sighed in relief.

I raised an eyebrow. "Then what were you doing the past fifteen minutes?"


He grabbed my shoulders and looked right into my eyes. "Let's go."

I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. "Ok. Let's go."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now