Chapter 17

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(Y/N) Your Name
(S/A/N) Stuffed Animal Name
"Aunt May! Aunt May!"

Peter stumbled excitedly into his apartment, racing for his bedroom. "I'm gonna tell her!"

May came out of her bedroom with a toothbrush still in her mouth. "Um, hello to you too?"

"She still likes me back. Even after I ignored her." Peter said, grabbing his suit and changing. "All it did was hurt her, not protect her."

"Are we talking about (Y/N)? Please be talking about (Y/N)." May widened her eyes.

Peter ran out of his room in his suit, holding his mask in his hand. "Yes I'm talking about (Y/N). Mr. Stark may be the smartest guy to live on planet earth, but he's wrong about this."

"Well you have my full support sweetheart. Just make sure no one kills her!" May called out as he jumped out his window back towards (Y/N)'s house.

Peter was over the moon with emotions. He was going to reveal his identity and tell (Y/N) about his feelings for her. Then depending on if she really did like him back, he would ask her on a date, they would start a relationship and end up together for the rest of time.

"That is a very optimistic plan."

"Karen!" Peter gasped. "You scared me."

     "There is report of a kidnapping on 82nd street, Upper East Manhattan." Said Karen.

Peter frowned. "That's where (Y/N) lives. Better stop by there first and make sure everything's ok."

He quickly made his way towards the street when he noticed that a variety of police cruisers parked outside of (Y/N)'s building.

      "..... Karen?" Peter cried, his throat going dry as he swung his way to (Y/N)'s patio.

      "Yes Mr. Parker?"

      "Who got kidnapped?"

His fears became reality when he landed on the building across from (Y/N)'s balcony and spotted Dr. Hawkins in a panic talking to many other police officers.


Peter felt tears well up in his eyes. He cleared his throat and stared out towards the small patio.

      "Who did this?" His voice trembled with anger.

      "It is uncertain. There were no witnesses." Karen responded. "The kidnapping is guessed to have happened at about 9pm."

Peter stood up and webbed to the balcony. The police as well as Dr. Hawkins were taken aback.

      "Spider-Man. We got this handled." One officer grumbled.

      "No, no let him stay." Dr. Hawkins pleaded. "He can help, he saved (Y/N) when the break in happened."

     "Break in?" Asked an officer.

Dr. Hawkins nodded. "Yes, a classmate of (Y/N)'s came and...."

     "I remember that case." Another officer said. "We'll have to bring him in for questioning, then."


     "Do you have any other leads?" Asked Peter.

     "No, not at the moment. There were no witnesses, we can't even be sure this was a kidnapping." Sighed the officer. "The guy's on parole, it's not likely he'll have her. Especially with how the media's been hounding him and Otto about the new tech."

      "Can I do anything? Anything at all?" Peter asked desperately.

The officer bit her lip. "We would appreciate you trying to find any witnesses or anything at all honestly. If we question this guy and he shows nothing then we're lost here."

Peter nodded sternly before running off the balcony and webbing away. He didn't know where to go, but he just kept going. He tried to remember if anyone would even do anything to (Y/N). Did they break in or did she go outside? What must've happened?

Something caught his eye as he passed by the same empty alleyway from earlier that day. The alley was dark except for a street light casting a fluorescent yellow across the ashy ground. Peter narrowed his eyes and landed on the ground, walking into the alley.

On the ground, right underneath the lamp was (S/A/N). Peter quickly grabbed it, holding it tightly in his hand as he looked around.

"(Y/N)!" He cried, looking around. His breath hitched as he spun around trying to find her. "Where are you?!"
My wrists burned from the rope he had tied. It wasn't a very comfortable position but it was effective in not allowing me to move. I had been sitting on this chair with my arms behind my back for hours and I could feel my thirst worsen.

"How about some water?" I asked annoyed. "I'm no good dead."

Ryan huffed an angry sigh before walking over. His giant arm claw reached over with a straw popping out of a water bottle. "Not yet anyways."

"You're so thoughtful." I retaliated before sipping the water. He glared and the claw chucked the water bottle at me, letting it spill over my legs.

"Shut up."

It had been a while since he had taken me. I had already screamed my throat raw yelling out for help. After an hour or two I gave up. No one could hear me from here.

"Damn it." Ryan groaned, staring at his laptop on a desk in the corner. "What's taking him so long!?"

"Taking who so long?" I sighed.

He once again glared daggers in my direction. "As great as it is having you here, it's not you I'm after."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You're just bait." Ryan chuckled, standing up. His claw snapped towards me, inches away from my face. "I want the spider."

I frowned. "Well it was stupid of you to assume I would get him here."

"You—!" I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the claw grab my chair. I heard Ryan take a breath and give an unsettling giggle. "You don't even know."

"Know what?" My eyes slowly opened.

"No no. It'll be more satisfying for you to find out when the time comes." He said with a grin on his face. Then another giggle.

"But don't worry. I'm not going to keep you here forever. Once the spider comes and he sees I have you, I'll kill you."

My eyes widened. "What?! Why?"

"Because it would be so much worse to kill you in front of him than to try and go after him myself." He giggled again. "He ruined my life."

"No, you ruined your life! He stopped you from accidentally committing a murder, you'd be in jail the rest of your life for that!"

The claw reached out and grabbed my chair once again, flinging it towards the wall. I shrieked as I banged against it and landed on the floor.

Ryan walked over to me, squatting down to keep me face to face. "The arm's working out great right?"

"I don't get it." I groaned, my face pressed against the cement on the ground. "You had a second chance, why'd you throw it away?"

"No, you wouldn't get it." He growled, kicking the chair and pressing me further into the ground.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now