Chapter 6

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(Y/N): Your Name
(S/A/N): Stuffed Animal Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
Even in a new school, Mondays were still the worst. I walked through the hallway with my books clutched tightly in my arms. People bustled left and right like cars navigating traffic.

"Well look who it is."

I was startled by the familiar voice, and even more worried when I saw the person in front of me was none other than the guy I fell on at the museum on Saturday.

"Hey um I gotta get to math in like 2.5 minutes, but I'd be glad to have this conversation some other time." I feigned a laugh with a nervous smile.

He walked towards me, suddenly pinning me against the nearest locker. "We talk when I say we talk."

     "But I don't really wanna talk." I frowned.

     "Well I do wanna talk. Why would someone as.... deliciously stunning as you hang out with dweeb one and dweeb two?"

I frowned. "Hey, back off. Those are my friends."

      "... loser." Ryan scoffed.

And with that he walked away, his shoulder shoving against mine as he made his way.

      "Dang it, (Y/N)," I scolded myself while walking into my class. "You move to a new school and already someone hates you."

I took a seat in front of Peter, who was sitting next to Ned. As I put my backpack down Ned leaned towards us.

      "I heard you got caught up with Ryan."

I whirled around. "That wasn't even a minute ago!"

Ned shrugged. "Ryan's a force to be reckoned with."

     "So that's his name." I sighed, slumping down in my chair. "A dumb name for a dumb guy."

Peter chuckled. "Just be careful. And don't be afraid to kick butt."

I giggled. "Thanks. Hey do you guys wanna come over after school and do homework like teenagers?"

      "After school we were gonna build a lego set." Ned explained.

My mouth gaped open. "Legos? Why wasn't I invited?"

      "Well Peter said—"

      "You like legos?" He interrupted quickly.

I nodded. "What set?"

      "It's a new one. The Avenger's Tower." Ned said with a grin. "Wanna help?"

      "Of course." I said. "Screw homework, you can bring it to my house, I have a lot of empty space in my room right now. I'll order pizza."

       "Sounds like a deal." Peter smiles.

A clearing of the teacher's throat interrupted our excitement, and we turned around to start the class.
      "It's crowded in here." Ned groaned, squished between two men and Peter.

     "It's a short ride to (Y/N)'s house, don't worry." Peter said with apologetic eyes.

     "Yeah, you would know wouldn't you." Smirked Ned.

Peter's head snapped to him. "What?"

      "Come on, you totally dig her." Ned teased.

     "How could you—she's not—I don't like her." Peter blushed.

     "Course not." Ned looked away. "That's why she's seen Spider-Man twice."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now