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(Y/N) Your Name
(S/A/N) Stuffed animal name
The humidity in the cafeteria that day was enough to make me want to peel my skin off. I sat down next to Peter and Ned like every other day and pushed my tray away as usual.

     "The field trip to Europe next year sounds super cool, I'm really excited." I smiled.

     "Yeah, definetly. I'm really looking forward to Italy." Ned chirped.

     "It's gotta be (European country) for me." I said. "I've always wanted to go there."

Peter smiled. "It'll be really fun to go all together. And we have this summer to hang out while we wait."

I grinned. "Yeah, if we're not melted by then. You guys should come over on Saturday, it's finally hot enough to use the pool on the patio."

     "Oh yeah! We're definitely doing that." Ned smiled before a sudden grief fell over his face. "You guys I'm really freaking out, I have a test tomorrow, and I've been studying the wrong chapter."

      "Oh that's gotta suck." Peter said, wrapping his arm over my shoulder. "But it's ok, you still have all night tonight to study right? I can give you my study guide, I filled it out already."

I smiled at them as I bit into (favorite fruit). What a summer it would be.
The open balcony door let cool wind into my room and allowed me some peace as I watched tv and ate (favorite snack).


I looked up to see Dr. Hawkins standing at my doorway.

     "What's up?" I asked with a smile.

He stepped into my room and sat next to me. "Do you... like living here?"

     "Of course, I love it here." I smiled. "I mean, I don't even know where to begin to thank you for fostering me, Jim."

     "No more Dr. Hawkins?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I mean, let's not overuse your professional title."

He smiled before giving me a reassuring pat on the arm. "I'm really glad you're here. It was hard, before I found you. I never really found anyone to share my life with, and after a while I.... I knew I had to take charge if I really wanted to find someone to have around like family."

I put my snack down before reaching out and hugging him. "Thanks Jim."

     "Anytime (Y/N)." He said, starting to get up. "Oh, and tomorrow I go in late so what do you want for breakfast?"

I thought for a second before responding. "(Favorite breakfast food)."

"Yum." He said before leaving my room.

My eyes turned back to the tv, but it was only a few seconds before something flew past my window and I once again got distracted.

I stood up, knowing what it was as I walked out to my balcony.

"Ok Peter, where are you?" I sighed, holding onto the doorway as I took a step outside.

He sprang down from the wall in his suit, hanging upside down in front of me. I gasped and composed myself so I wouldn't let out any loud noises as he laughed at me.

"You scared me!" I whined, pushing him lightly.

"I just wanted to see you." Peter said. "I'm on patrol but New York seems to have it under control as of now."

I smiled. "Well I'm here now."

"I know. You look stunning." He sighed.

I looked down at my pajamas and then back at him. "Are you sure you're using the right word there?"

He giggled a little bit as I pulled his mask down over his mouth. My hands held the sides of his face as I leaned in to kiss him once again. His hand reached out and held the small of my neck.

A police siren went by, causing us to pull apart.

"Peter, there was an assault on 79th street, and the thief ran away with a wallet." The voice in his suit began to chirp.

"Thanks Karen." He said, reaching to kiss my forehead before pulling his mask on. "Duty calls, (Y/N)."

I laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow Peter."

He webbed away, doing a flip as he flew through the night sky. I watched him from my balcony, holding onto the railing.

New York wasn't so bad after all. I had friends and a family. I may still get lost in the subway occasionally, and there may be a crazy super villain every once in a while. But it was worth it, because Spider-Man made living here cool.

A/N Thank you guys for reading! I don't know if anyone will even get this far but if you did I really enjoyed writing this and hope you enjoyed reading! If you have any thoughts let me know, I'm always open to learning new ways to improve my writing. Overall, so fun to make and I hope to write some more if you have any ideas. Thank you again!

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now