Chapter 9

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(Y/N): Your Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
I don't think I ever expected Ryan to become the victim of his own disasters, but after the football game incident I was oh so wrong.

"That creep had it coming to him." Peter mumbled as we walked by Ryan getting slammed into lockers by the football team. "Nobody molests guys and gets away with it here."

     "I was wondering why he came onto me. I didn't know he was that desperate." I frowned.

     "It feels nice having someone who deserves this get their dues." Ned nodded.

I sighed. "Well at least now he'll leave us alone."

Ha. Ha ha ha.

I turned the corner, heading straight for the door to my political behaviors class when out of the blue I found myself in a familiar position of being smacked against a locker.

     "Wha... what... Ryan?!"

     "Shut up!" He yelled, his hands starting to grab at my waist. "Just shut up or I'll—!"

As soon as it had started, I felt his weight pulled off me and watched as Peter's fist flew right into Ryan's jaw. Everyone stopped and stared as Ryan fell right into the floor, then looked back up at Peter who suddenly exhibited nervousness at what had just happened. Then, he looked right at me.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Peter asked, walking towards me.

My eyes were still wide and I was still up against the locker, watching Ryan sprawled our on the floor as he groaned and tried to pick himself up.

"You really let him have it." I squeaked.

Peter looked around at the group of students who had been taking pictures. "You can go to your next class, and I'll walk you home later."

I nodded with a smile. "Ok."

I took small steps behind Peter and Ned, who looked back at me with worry.

"Hey (Y/N) are you ok?" Asked Ned.

"I think so." I sighed. "Just really uncomfortable."

They shared a look before turning back to me. "Don't worry," Peter started," "Ned and I have your back."

"Oh yeah." Ned joined in. "I'll do some real damage to that guy before he tries to do anything stupid again, like the Hulk with Loki in the Stark tower."

I giggled as we walked into the subway. Ned then looked the other way.

"Ok, my train's that's way. See you guys later." Ned said before heading off.

We waved goodbye before turning to keep walking.

"Seriously though, we're here for you (Y/N)." Said Peter, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"Oh yeah, I have no doubt in my mind." I said. "But we should all be careful around him."

We stepped, or more like were pushed onto the train. There was a much bigger crowd today. Peter and I tried to find a better spot, but had to find peace with the sudden proximity we were in with one another.

"Well I guess we're really getting comfortable with each other now." I joked.

The train jolted into a move and I stumbled backwards into Peter. A man moved into my spot leaving me squished in Peter's arms. I blushed intensely, it was so warm and I felt Peter tense up immediately.

     "Oh gosh I'm sorry." I squeaked.

    "Uh don't worry it's ok I don't mind." He also squeaked before clearing his throat and talking again two octaves lower. "I mean uh, it's cool."

I giggled. "You're silly."

     "Am not." He spoke again in his regular voice.

    "Sure." I smiled.

We didn't move from our position and I stayed in his arms for the rest of the ride. When we got to our spot we got off the train and walked back into the cool crisp air.

     "Ugh I have so much homework." I groaned. "Maybe I can ask Sofia to help me."

"Sofia?" He asked.

"My magical air speaker." I said giggling. "She's the security officer and she lets people into the house. Sometimes I talk to her about random things."

"Like what?"

"Oh ya know." I sighed. "Boys, my tv show, whether or not Dr. Hawkins would let me adopt a fish..."

He laughed. "It's a good thing you're not alone up there all day."

"I know. I'd drive myself nuts." I admitted. "I'm too much for me to handle by myself."

We stopped walking in front of my building. Peter stood with his hands in his pockets and I stared at him. His hair blew in the wind, and his eyes fluttered around the place.

"Well thanks for walking with me." I grinned, hugging him tightly. He once again tensed up as I held him in my arms but relaxed and hugged me back.

Woah... woahhhh....

"You hug just like Spider-Man!" I gasped as I let him go. "That's so cool!"

He widened his eyes. "I—uh—haha yeah that's cool..."

"You can give me Spider-Man hugs whenever I want!" I cried, jumping up and down.

"Oh yeah Spider-Man." He sighed. "He's a cool guy."

I tilted my head as he looked down. "I'll be going then. See you tomorrow."

He began to walk away and I called after him. "Peter?"


I smiled. "You're way cooler than Spider-Man."

He smiled back.
Ryan stared from across the street as (Y/N) hugged Peter Parker goodbye. His blood boiled. Why Peter could get her to pay any attention to him boggled his mind. He wanted (Y/N), and he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He just needed to be alone with her to get her to change her mind.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now