Chapter 16

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(Y/N): Your Name
(S/A/N): Stuffed Animal Name
The clock on the wall ticked by as I sat on a bench inside Tarjot. It was almost 1 and there was still no sign of Peter. A part of me knew it was too good to be true, but another stopped me from getting up and going back home.

I wasn't supposed to be alone, I already felt like I was drowning in anxiety. Thoughts and memories I had long pushed deep down kept running a marathon through my mind.


Perfect timing.

      "Peter..." I said, standing up to meet him.

He looked frazzled and out of breath. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. I had to uh, turn in some papers for the Stark internship."

     "I know," I said with a weak smile. "The Stark internship really has you busy lately."

His face fell. "Yeah. Listen, about the past week I—"

     "Peter," I interrupted, finally taking in his appearance, "What happened to you?"

The right of his jaw looked like someone had taken purple finger paint and smeared it on. "Did you get in a rumble before getting to Stark tower?" I teased.

     "No, I just fell... into... a manhole."

My eyes widened. "A manhole?"

     "Yeah." He said, crossing his arms in confidence. "A manhole."

     "How are your clothes so clean?" I asked, looking at his shirt.

He stuttered. "It was a.... a business manhole."

I narrowed my eyes. "A business manhole."

      "Yes." He pouted. "Why don't you believe me?"

     "Because a business manhole is possibly the dumbest made up thing I've ever heard." I said, unable to contain my laughter. "If you got in a fight I won't judge you."

He stepped closer to me. "Hey that's not true, I've said dumber things."

My hand reached out to his cheek, turning it so I could see the bruise once more. "Well whatever you did, we're definitely getting something for that while we're here."

For a moment we locked eyes, and the butterflies flew back into my stomach as we did so. I could feel Peter's face heat up, and so I let go thinking maybe it was the bruise.

      "Well uh, can we maybe get some pain meds too?" He asked. When met with my questioning glance he replied with "Um, m-my arm kinda got messed up in the business manhole too."

I shook my head with a smile. "You're really starting to worry me Peter."
He stood outside the Tarjot, watching shoppers come in and out of the red doors for a while now. However the tracker had stopped here, and seemed very sure that Spider-Man was in there.

He had hoped the tracker would lead him to the true identity of the man behind the spider, but as an hour now passed he began to think maybe it wasn't meant to be.

Still, he had to try.

Suddenly, the tracker moved and showed that Spider-Man was now leaving the building and heading down the street. The man looked up to see who it could possibly be, but the crowd of people made it unlikely he would figure out that mystery now.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now