Chapter 19

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(Y/N) Your Name
The city of New York was as bustling as it always was, streets lines with people making their commute to work or on their way to school or running to catch their subway. However the sudden screams that came from Greenwich Village ruined the steady noise, and the people ran in the opposite direction of the man with a giant claw floating from his back.

(Y/N) kicked and tried to call for help, but she was bound in thick rope and being carried around by the claw wrapped around her waist. She only felt drops and rises, scaring her out of her mind.

Meanwhile, Peter swung towards Greenwich. He noticed nothing unusual until everyone began sprinting in the direction he was coming from. In confusion and worry he began to make his way towards the fuss.

     "Spideyyyyy..." Ryan sung, walking down the street in laughter. "I have something for you....."

When he turned around and noticed Peter coming up from behind him, his face became an overbearing grin.

"There you are!" Ryan cried, laughing in sickening delight. "Are you looking for something?"

"Where is she?" Peter demanded.

Ryan giggles before holding up (Y/N) in front of him. Her legs and head swung around while the claw held her up. Peter tried to reach for her, but before he could the claw pulled her away causing her to shriek in fear.

"Let her go! Now!" He yelled.

Ryan smirked. "I don't think so. You're gonna have to catch me first."

The claw dropped (Y/N), causing a scream from her until Ryan caught her and swung her over his shoulders. Then, he ran down the street with the claw grabbing and throwing anything in the way.

Peter sprinted after him, ducking and jumping over the rocks, garbage cans and other obstacles that flew in his direction. He began to web, flying through the panicked streets of Manhattan.

     "You're gonna have to do better then that, Spider-Man!" Cried Ryan with a malicious laugh as the claw swung a manhole cover right at a crowd of people hiding behind a truck.

Peter rushed to their side and while holding a web with one hand, caught the manhole cover with the other and threw it to the ground. His arms began to feel like lead but he continued on and chased after Ryan and (Y/N).

(Y/N) could not see, nor speak, but her head bobbed up and down as she felt herself behind carried further and further away. Ryan's grip on her legs prevented her from kicking but the scarf around her mouth began to come loose.

     "Let me go!" She screamed. "Help me!"

     "Well look who finally decided to say something." Ryan shouted as he turned down 42nd street.

    "You.... you—!"

    "Oh I don't think so (Y/N)!" He said before halting in his tracks and dropping her to the ground. She landed on her back and felt the breath knocked out of her as the claw once again grabbed her waist and carried her around again.

She let out cries of pain as the claw held her tightly down the street. "Please, I don't understand what you want anymore!"

     "We're almost at our destination, (Y/N)." Ryan cooed. "Then this will all be over."

Peter was almost caught up to them, though he wasn't sure where Ryan was going with this. As they got closer and closer to the heart of the city and the people ran by, he began to think Ryan really had no plan.

      "Karen!" He screeched as he cut through an alleyway as a shortcut. "How many people are in Times Square?!"

     "1,567 individuals are currently in and around the area of Times Square, with one person leaving precisely every 0.7 seconds."

     "How long for it to empty out?"

     "18.7 minutes."

Peter's mind filled with worry as the screens began to light up his view in the night. "Any chance it'll go faster?"

     "The police are attempting to conduct a sustainable flow of traffic, but the crowd of people and the panic of non listening citizens make that possibility unlikely."

     "Gotta make sure he doesn't hurt anyone then." Peter panted.

Ryan reached Times Square and headed straight for one five one skyscraper. The people screamed and dove out of the way as he ran towards it. He then reached the fire escape, where he began to run up the hundreds of flights of stairs.

The claw held (Y/N) closely behind, who begged for any sort of compassion.

     "Help me! Please help me!" She shrieked, then began an attempt to bite the rope off her wrists.

Peter swung towards the building and watched as the claw brought (Y/N) to Ryan, who struck her as hard as he could across the face. The blindfold flew off and (Y/N) could now see. However she screamed when she saw the scarf fall to the ground far down below. Her legs kicked and she rocked her hips trying to move out of the grip of the arm.

     "If you don't shut up, I'm gonna drop you. Right here!" Ryan bellowed in anger.

The anger in Peter's chest burned, but he knew to confront them straight forward while he had (Y/N) in that position was dangerous. He instead swung around to the other side of the building and began to run on the wall towards the roof.

Ryan reached it first. He flung (Y/N) to the roof and then began to use the claw as he started cutting through beams behind the H&M sign.

(Y/N) slowly but steady got up and ran to Ryan, shoving him down with all her might. Without even looking up, the claw hit her side and she fell back down with a cough and groan.

Peter finally reached the roof, landing steadily in front of Ryan as he walked over to (Y/N) and picked her up with the claw for the last time.

      "Stop. You don't have to do this." Peter began.

     "Save me your spiel." Ryan smirked, walking to the edge of the building. (Y/N) looked at him, her face now bruised and her body limp from hunger. Peter felt his stomach drop just from one look at her, and even more so when Ryan held the claw over the edge of the building with her in its grasp.

     "Listen. My life stopped mattering as soon as I went to that damn football game." Ryan scowled. "I took the job from the science guy so I could get back at you for putting me in jail in the first place."

     "You had a second chance—"

     "Second chance?!" Ryan laughed, his breathing shortening each chuckle. "Maybe I didn't want a second chance. Maybe I just wanted to hurt."

Peter moved his arm forward, but Ryan jolted the arm and caused him to withdraw. "No no, I don't think so."

The arm jolted once more, bringing out a gasp of pain from (Y/N) as she held onto the claw. Ryan then reached his free hand out and placed it on the H&M sign, which began to teeter back and forth. "As you can see, I've got you right where I want you. (Y/N) can either fall to her death, or this sign can crush the hundreds of people below trying to escape."

Peter swallowed as Ryan continued. "So you'll have to choose."

     "Spi... Spider-Man..." Groaned (Y/N) as she blinked away tears. "Don't...."

     "Shut up you little..." Ryan did another jolt and she coughed.

Peter felt his eyes well up as anger and worry consumed him. "But there is a way to stop this."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now