Chapter 3

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(Y/N): Your Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
My eyes fluttered open to the sound of my phone vibrating. I reached out to grab it and checked the time.

8:33 am
3 messages

"Weird. Who's texting me?" I whispered to myself as I unlocked my phone. I smiled a bit when I saw it was Ned and Peter.

     Ned: My mom says I gotta be home at 4

     Peter: Ok, we can hang out until 4 and it'll just be me and (Y/N) after.

     Ned: 👉😎👉

I giggled at their silliness and decided to get up and enjoy my first morning. I went into my closet and found some suitable clothes to wear, jeans and a (f/c) blouse. Then I left my room.

The sun rose and shone through the glass wall as I made my way awkwardly to the kitchen. The house was big and quiet. Mr. Hawkins was right about it being lonely.

When I arrived to the kitchen I noticed a note on the fridge.


The fridge is full if you'd like to make yourself something to eat before your day. I left you some spare cash in case you needed anything. I'll be home around 10. Call if you need something.

- Jim

I smiled at his kindness and opened the envelope attached. As soon as I saw more than one hundred dollar bills I widened my eyes and closed the envelope back up again in fear.

Spare cash?!
A breakfast of (Favorite breakfast food), an hour of (show you like) binging, and a half hour of getting lost on the subway again later, I was in front of Peter's building fiddling with the call box buttons. I held down the Parker residence numbers and waited.

     "Hello?" A female voice came from the intercom.

     "Um, hi, I'm (Y/N) and I'm supposed to be meeting Peter—?"


Suddenly a loud fumbling noise interrupted her and there were a few seconds of whispering before...

      "Hi (Y/N), sorry. That was my Aunt May."

      "Peter." I giggled. "Can I uh, can I come in?"

      "Oh! Yes! Sorry."

The door clicked and I pushed it open, making my way inside the building.
I knocked on the door and awkwardly waited outside. A loud bumping sound against the door startled me before it opened and revealed a woman grinning.

      "Well hi! How are you sweetheart?" She asks giddily. I smiled.

     "I'm good. You must be...?"

     "The aunt, yeah. You can call me May." She said, letting me inside. I looked around as I stepped in. It was very comfy and warm. My thoughts were interrupted by Peter barging out his bedroom door while pulling his shirt on. He froze at the sight of me.

    "Oh, you beat me to the door." He said, eyeing his aunt.

I giggled and May rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I haven't embarrassed you... yet."

    "Uh, Ned's down the block. We can meet him out there." Peter said.

     "Sounds good." I said, giving a thumbs up.

     "Ok, I packed you a lunch because I don't want you spending a crap ton of money on crap food." May said, hurrying into the kitchen.

     "Oh my foster dad gave me some money, I can pay for lunch." I said.

     "Foster?" May asked, her eyes suddenly filled with a sort of surprise.

I looked over at Peter and saw a sad look. "Um, yeah I'm a foster kid. Mr. Hawkins met me back at my old town and he offered to pay to bring me here." I explained.

     "Oh sweetheart don't worry about paying for lunch. We don't want you spending your tourist money on that." May said with a smile.

I thought about the envelope of hundreds in my back pocket. "I really don't think it's gonna be a problem."

     "(Y/N) can you buzz Ned and tell him we'll be down in a bit?" Peter asked nervously. I nodded and walked away.
Peter watched (Y/N) walk towards the intercom box as he went to the kitchen to grab his lunch.

      "She's kinda cute right?" Asked May.

Peter jumped. "Um—?"

      "Come on, look at her! You told me about how cute it was when you took her home yesterday." May whispered excitedly.

     "I didn't—that doesn't mean—I don't like her!" Peter blushed furiously.

     "Whatever you say." Shrugged May. "But you were scrambling to answer the buzzer and the door."


Peter looked at (Y/N), standing patiently next to the door.

     "Yeah." He grinned. "Let's go."
It was a windy day, which was ok since I had brought a cheesy but classic I heart NYC sweater. Peter and Ned stood next to me while we walked down the sidewalk.

     "So this is Queens." Peter said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nice, some people like it."

I smiled happily, looking around. "It's so busy here."

     "Yeah, and people can suck because of it." Ned sighed. "Never get in the way of a person in a rush. They will shove you."

      "Oh, we should probably help you figure out the subway system." Peter remembered.

      "How did you know I needed help with the subway system?" I asked confused. I didn't think I'd brought it up before.

Peter's eyes widened and he looked at the floor. "Uh, well it took you a while to get to my place and you just moved here so I figured you're not used to it yet."

     "Oh." I giggled. "Classic me. Yeah the subway and I are not good friends. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fall into the tracks at some point."

     "I've done that." Ned sighed. "Embarrassing and scary."

     "Well we've got all day to teach you and we're doing all the tourist stuff." Peter said smiling. "But first a few tips. Don't stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk because the people will run you over."

       "Don't cross the street unless there's other people already crossing the street because the cars will run you over." Ned added.

      "Don't fall in the subway tracks because the subway will run you over." Peter smiled.

I giggled. "Looks like I'm getting run over by something either way."

"It's ok, we're here to guide you young Padawan." Ned said in a zen voice.

This would be a fun day.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now