Chapter 2

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     "Please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone, I don't wanna die I just moved here, I haven't even gotten to see the Statue of Liberty yet—!"

     "Shut her up!" Yelled the biggest guy. The one that tied me up to a chair grabbed some duct tape and slapped it over my mouth.


     "What do we do now boss, skip the play?" Asked a goon.

     "And leave her here to tell the cops? Don't be morons. Let's finish the job then take her with us." The biggest one said. "I'm sure someone is gonna pay big bucks for her, ransom or not."

I widened my eyes. I should've just called a cab. I watched them as they broke open the cashiers behind the glass windows and bagged a lot of money.

     "What if that spider guy catches us?" Asked a guy. "I been seeing him on the news lately ya know..."

     "I'd like to see him try with these babies." Said another one, chuckling as he held up his hand gun. "What do webs have against bullets?"

I slumped in my chair best I could trying to reach the knot on my wrist with my fingers. I wasn't very good at hiding it though.

     "Hey! Someone watch her!" I felt my breath hitch.

The next thing I knew someone slapped me and my head flung to the right. Tears of frustration welled up in my eyes.

     "Didn't your mom ever teach you not to hit a lady?"

Everyone including me looked towards the voice and saw none other than Spider-Man standing at the doorway.

     "I'm surprised you guys didn't close the windows, the whole city can see you. You're not very smart burglars." He said.

      "Get him!"

The overwhelming sound of gunfire surrounded me and I was worried that he wouldn't make it. What could he possibly do against bullets? Well it was proven immediately when Spider-Man began to dodge every bullet. He was incredible, jumping and running and climbing. He took out three guys in a flash, everything was a blur.

     "It's just two of us, what do we—?"

The goon that tied me up wasn't able to finish his sentence because Spider-Man had grabbed a hold of him and flung him to the wall, webbing him against it and knocking him unconscious.

The biggest of the group looked around worried with only his gun. He laid eyes on me, then grabbed my chair and dragged me over to him.

     "Don't do anything!" He yelled, holding the barrel of the gun against my temple. My eyes widened and I looked at Spider-Man. He seemed to stare back at me for a few seconds before continuing his work.

He shot a web straight at the gun and pulled, causing the bullet to fly towards a window instead of my brain. The glass shattered and the big goon was caught off guard. Spider-Man shot a web in his face, causing him to fall to the ground. Then Spider-Man completely webbed him up against the ground, sticking him there.

I heard police sirens as he pulled the tape off my mouth. "You ok?" He asked gently.

I nodded. "As ok as I can be. Can you maybe help me—?"

     "Oh, yeah of course."

He kneeled behind me and untied my wrists, allowing me to stand up. "You should go outside and wait for the police, they're gonna ask you some questions as a witness."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now