Chapter 7

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(Y/N): Your Name
(S/A/N): Stuffed Animal Name
(F/C): Favorite Color
(F/A): Favorite Animal
It had been about a week since I last saw (s/a/n). I was really worried. Was he lost? Scared? Alone and afraid?

     "Still no luck?" Peter asked as I dropped myself in the seat next to him during lunch.

     "No." I sighed, slumping down my chair. "I miss him so much too."

Peter tried to smile. "We'll find him. Don't worry."

     "Yeah we'll find Mr. Snugglebuns little girl don't worry."

I internally groaned at the sound of Ryan's obnoxious voice. "What do you want?"

      "Isn't it obvious?" He said, stopping in front of me and leaning into my face. "I wanna help find your mermaid princess."

      "It's a (f/a)." I scowled, backing up slowly.

      "Whatever loser." Ryan scoffed walking away.

Peter glared, holding a protective arm around me. "Don't listen to him. He's an idiot."

      "I know." I sighed. "And I won't. But I just wanna find (s/a/n)."

As I looked down at the table and played with my weird cafeteria food, Peter narrowed his eyes at me.

      "Something else is bothering you too isn't it?"

I blushed intensely. "Maybe."

      "What is it? Can I do anything?"

      "Unless you can ask Spider-Man to come say hi." I smiled. "I kinda miss that guy."

Peter widened his eyes. "Really?"

       "I have an itty bitty thing for him." I giggled. "He's basically saved my life twice."

      "Well, it's New York. Maybe you'll see him around." Peter tried to comfort me.

      "You're right. I just need to be patient."

A moment passed before I blew air out of my mouth. "But being patient is so hard!"

      "Don't I know it." Peter agreed, making me giggle.

      "What are you waiting for?" I asked.

     "Nothing I should talk about." He sighed, looking up at me. "But something I really wanna do."
The penthouse was quiet again that night. Dr. Hawkins was busy at work and I just sat in my room watching tv in my pajamas again while eating (favorite cereal brand) because I was afraid of the big emptiness outside.

If only (s/a/n) was here. I wouldn't feel so alone.

I didn't mind the actual action of losing him. I just felt awful because Peter was with me and it was my memoir of our day together. He was starting to occur in my thoughts repeatedly.

Suddenly there was a flash at my window. I jumped a bit, my bowl tumbling out of my hands.

Good thing I finished the (Favorite cereal) before that happened.

I got up, slowly and worried. I left my tv on because background noise obviously protected me as I crept towards the balcony.

My arms pushed the door open and I peeked outside. Once again, New York was full of night lights and beauty. I smiled and stepped out for a better view.

City that never sleeps.

Once taking a look around and not seeing anything I began to turn back.

     "Wait wait!"

My heart almost stopped and I flung back around, eyes wide when a red and blue gloves hand covered my mouth to prevent my scream.


      "Sorry sorry so sorry." He said in a panicked voice. "I'm gonna let go. Don't scream please."

I nodded, still shaking as his hand moved off me.

     "What are you doing here?" I yelped as he perched on the railing. "Why, how do you know where I live?"

Spider-Man held up his other hand, which was holding (s/a/n). I gasped and reached out.

      "You found him!" I cried as he handed him back to me. "Where?"

     "Um on the floor." He said, suddenly pointing down at the street.

      "He must've fallen out when I was messing around with friends." I grinned. "Thank you!"

      "No problem." He said.

I tilted my head. "How did you know he was mine?"

      "Uh, that day at Times Square you were holding him." He stumbled. "I'd never forget that."

My face grew red. "Really?"

      "Of course not!" He chuckled loudly before rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm just glad I could give it to you."

     "I was really missing you." I admitted with a smile. "You make living here cool."

    "Oh gee thanks." He said nodding. "I try my best."

    "You do a great job. Thank you." I said.

We stood in a moment of silence before he began to stand on the railing.

     "Well I better get going—"

     "Wait." I said.

He stepped down to the balcony. "What is it?"

With that, I pulled him in for a hug. He seemed taken aback at first but I then felt his arms slowly wrap around me. I smiled and let go.

    "I really appreciate it." I said. "I'll tell my friend Peter you said hi!"

    "But I didn't... ok." His accompanying laugh seemed more genuine. "I'll see you around."

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now