Chapter 5

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(Y/N): Your Name
(S/A/N): Stuffed Animal Name
Everyone gasped as the gun was pulled from her hand by a web. I spun around and looked up to see Spider-Man perched on a lamppost, his arm still outstretched.

      "Ma'am, you're the reason I have a don't-hit-women policy." He shook his head.

      "Wha—?!" The woman widened her eyes.

      "Now if you don't mind, hand the baby over. Huh, there's a sentence you don't hear everyday."

      "I don't need a gun!" Cried the woman, raising the baby over her head.

Spider-Man hopped off the perch with a flip, landing in the nick of time to catch the baby and shove the woman aside. She fell to the ground as he turned and saw me.

      "Hey, I know you! Please hold." He said, handing the baby gently over to me.

I clutched him tightly in my arms as he turned around and webbed her hands and feet to the floor. Spider-Man then took the baby back and faced the father.

      "Here you go." He said, handing the baby back to his weeping dad. "And invest in a baby wrap, I hear they really connect you with your child and are hard to snatch babies out of."

      "Thank you so much Spider-Man." The father said, his arms wrapped around his son. "How could I ever repay you?"

      "Oh it's just part of being your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." He said, backing up. "Gotta go! Nice seeing you again." He pointed a finger gun at me before swinging into the air and out of sight.

I watched him leave with a bright smile before turning around and seeing the lady still webbed to the ground.

      "My friend will be back with the police soon." I frowned, crossing my arms. "You better stay put for now."

     "No worries, we've got it from here."

I turned around and saw two officers behind me making their way towards the woman. "Gotta hand it to that kid, he's better at dealing with hostages."

But... if they're here... where's—?


Suddenly I heard his voice behind me, causing me to sigh of relief.

      "There you are. You missed it Peter, Spider-Man was here!" I said, turning to face him.

He was panting and gasping for breath, leaning against the lamp post. "Oh... really.... that sounds... super cool."

       "Are you ok?" I asked, tilting my head.

      "Just... fine..." He coughed. "I ran to get those police men."

Oh, duh!

"I can't believe I've been in two illegal activities in two days." I placed my hands on my hips. "It's crazy."

Peter cleared his throat. "Yes. Crazy."

      "Well I think we've had enough adventure for one day." I giggled, patting his back. "Let's go home."
"You're sure you can get to school on your own?"

I nodded. "Yes Peter. We've only gone through the subway map like a hundred times."

He blushed. "I just wanna make sure. Well, I'll see you Monday then."

"See you Monday." I said, waving goodbye as I made my way into the building.

After a long elevator ride I stepped into the empty penthouse. I realized how hungry I was and that I had a lot of money left over, so I grabbed my phone and called (food you currently feel like eating) for delivery. After a hefty tip and thank yous from the delivery man, I went into my room with my food.

Time to binge (Favorite show) and eat.

As I reached from the remote, a flash from my window caught my attention.

I have a window?

I set my food down and and walked towards it. I placed my hands against it and stumbled back when it opened.

Oh wow it's a balcony. I really do not pay attention.

I smiled and walked out into the small but quaint balcony, and took in the sights of New York City at night. It was a perfect view. I could see Central Park to my right, the Queensboro Bridge to my left, and all of downtown in front of me.

Peter was right. It's beautiful up here.

Another flash caught my eye and I looked to my right. I saw red and blue colors fly across the Queensboro Bridge and my heart grew three sizes.

I'm really starting to love New York.

Peter Parker x Reader: New Girl, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now