"There is one of them that is acting differently. It seems to have power over the others, so be careful. It's even worse than the queen."
Those were the words many soldiers heard before encountering you and the little pack that was following you like puppies, and mostly the last. You were a young, but yet, you were stronger than most of your kind, even your own queen, and so, after she died, you took over the hive and became their new leader.
Now, years have passed, and you not only grew in size and strength but also in wisdom. You and your small army broke through ship after ship, killing off the crew with no further efforts, drinking their blood, feasting off their flesh.
One day, the stock has eaten everything up, leaving nothing but a few shards of bones, and you decided that it was time to move on and find a new home and more food.
Grievous roared as he smashed the young Jedi's body against the wall and closed one of his four hands around her neck, choking her while restrainer her hands, making her unable to use the force or her lightsaber. She whimpered, her eyes filled with tears and begged him to release her, but he had no mercy.
After a while, she stopped struggling, and the cyborg threw her to the ground, presuming her dead, but to make sure she was, he crushed her head with his talons. With a satisfied grunt, he grabbed her weapon before turning around and walking down the hallways, leaving the mess for the droids to clean up.
Soon, he came to the bridge, ready to bark orders...but to his surprise, the bridge was empty. Confused, he looked around, trying to find them, but it was like they were never there. Only now he noticed the dark atmosphere that surrounded him, and how dark it was.
Grievous shook his head and went outside. Maybe was another Jedi on the ship and cleaned the bridge. No matter, he had enough droids to replace them, but first, he needed to find this fool and get rid of him before he or she could do any more damage.
He walked along the hallways, suspecting that he would meet a droid by the half of it, but to his surprise, he met no one. He looked around, but the area was as empty as cold. He sighed and shook his head, but the movement was interrupted by a cough.
Suddenly, he heard a sound. He wiped around, lightsabers ready to destroy whoever is there, but to his surprise, he only found nothing. Not even the smallest clue of someone standing there. What is the name of the universe? Was he going insane?
No, that couldn't be. Slowly he walked towards where the sound came from, eyes narrowed. Again, nothing.
Grievous growled, thinking that those fools were toying with him. He roared and turned shook himself, walking on, ready to tear anyone apart he met.
A deep growl escaped your throat as the smell of burned flesh reached your nostrils, and you slowly turned your head into the direction it came from. Your muscles flexed as you moved gracefully towards the entrance, your claws easily digging into the metal underneath you.
Behind you, you heard a loud, hissing sound, and you turned towards your pack, that was sitting in a circle, surrounding a dead, half-eaten body. So they found something. Good.
You walked forward, forgetting the smell for a second, diving your snout into the flesh and ripping a small junk before chewing, swallowing. You needed to save the food, and the female was quite tall. They watched, not daring to move until you said that they could eat on. You didn't blame them for not waiting for you, your last meal was weeks ago, and you were all hungry.
You screeched, and they shot forward, acting like you, but you soon finished, and turned your head, sniffing the air, trying to catch that burned scent again.
General Grievous X Reader Oneshots
Ciencia FicciónGeneral Grievous was my favourite character in Star Wars and I couldn't find many stories about my favourite Kaleesh. This may contain some lemons.