the one where jongin confesses

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Jongin wasn't sure how long they had been laying there - sometimes talking, sometimes just laying in silence - until Jonghyun walked into the room.

"Oh Hey hyung. I can head out if you're wanting to go to bed." Jongin said, forcing a smile onto his face as he looked over at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun shook his head, "No. Don't worry about it. I'm going to spend the night in Key's room, I'm just stopping in to grab some pajamas."

"Oh okay." Jongin said, nodding slightly.

Taemin stayed quiet while Jonghyun rummaged through his closet, grabbing out clothes and then exiting the room - shutting the door behind him.

Taemin pulled Jongin's hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss against it. "I missed you, Jongin."

"I missed you too, Taem. A lot." Jongin said, burying his head against the back of Taemin's neck.

The guilt of what had happened was getting to Jongin even more so - if that was even possible at this point. Being so close to Taemin made things all the worse, every breath in all Jongin could smell was Taemin - everything he saw was Taemin - everything he felt was Taemin.

And all he could think about was his night with Kyungsoo. About how much he had screwed up. About what all he was going to lose the second Taemin found out.

"Taemin - I gotta tell you something."

"I already know."

"What? How?"

"Kyungsoo texted me in the middle of the night." Taemin answered quietly.

"So who wasn't answering your calls earlier? A girlfriend? Boyfriend?" Kyungsoo asked, breaking the silence between them.

"It was Taemin."

"Are you all... together?"

Jongin nodded, "Yeah we are."


"Yeah you can say that again."

"I'm so sorry." Jongin said, holding Taemin tighter to his chest.

"I'm not going to lie and say it's okay."

"Why didn't you bring it up sooner?"

Taemin shrugged slightly, "I don't know. I didn't know how to for starters, part of me wanted to when you first got here - but you should have seen your face Jongin, I knew you felt guilty about it immediately. I wasn't going to mention it, I was just going to let you bring it up on your own time."

"I didn't mean for it to happen. I was drunk off my ass and wasn't able to think clearly at all."

"I get it."

Jongin pressed a kiss to the upper part of Taemin's back. "I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"Just lay here with me for a while."

Jongin nodded slowly, rubbing a pattern on Taemin's hand and wrist with his thumb and intermediately pressing his lips against Taemin's neck and back - not breaking the silence that filled the room. He wasn't sure what exactly to say or do at this point, he hadn't expected Taemin to already know and he definitely hadn't expected Taemin to not immediately throw him out of the dorm.

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