the one where they open up

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"So you two are really going to announce your relationship to the world?" Jung Ah asked, raising an eyebrow at Jongin.

Jongin nodded, "Yep. We have a meeting at SM tomorrow about how it's going to be announced."

"That's awesome. I'm happy for you twom you all deserve to be able to go around together and not have to constantly worry about trying to control the rumors."

"So what about you and Sehun?"

"We aren't ready for that conversation quite yet." Jung Ah said, laughing and shaking her head.

Jongin nodded, "One day?"

"One day maybe."

Was it fair to say that Jongin was terrified when only a couple months after Jongdae brought up the idea of announcing his imminent marriage - and then the announcement actually taking place in January - him and Taemin were now sitting in a meeting with their managers and a few higher ups in SM discussing the idea of them coming out and opening up about their relationship?

Yes it was definitely fair to say that Jongin was in fact terrified about that.

Technically they were now onto discussion of how they would go about making the announcement to the world. Jongin was attempting to add as much to the conversation whenever an answer was required of him. But for the most part the conversation was down to their managers and the executives that were in the room - while Taemin and Jongin just sat off to the side, listening to the many different angles as to whether or not this would be accepted and how it would be done.

When they brought up the idea of them admitting their relationship to their managers, Jongin had seen his manager wince before he asked if they were really sure about this decision. And Jongin guessed he could understand his manager's concern about approaching the idea - they had just gotten through the backlash of Jongdae announcing his plans to marry and the pregnancy announcement as well. And here Jongin was, practically following in his footsteps.

Only difference was that it was just a we're dating announcement instead of a marriage and baby announcement.

Jongin still had no clue what the outcome was going to be, or if they had decided to go ahead and allow them to announce the relationship - how soon they'd announce it was still a mystery to Jongin as well.

He was sure people had already noticed that him and Taemin had both reported to the SM building around the same time - and that Jongin had gone without any EXO members and that no other SuperM members had accompanied them either. Just like the internet had noticed that Jongin returned to Korea from Japan with Taemin at New Years.

Maybe it would be construed as a potential collaboration between them as solo artists if SM decided not to confirm that they were in fact dating, Jongin wasn't sure - but he knew they'd come up with some excuse if the decision was made not to announce the relationship.

The meeting had stalled for lunch when Jongin's manager called him off to the side, sighing deeply. "The issue is that normally SM only confirms relationships after the news is out there. Such as with Changmin and Heechul - and I'm sure you remember when you had to be spotted out with Krystal and Jennie and get the rumors going first. And with Jongdae, he was going to be getting married so it was a whole different situation and announcement."

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