the one with the twins at home

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The first night they had the boys at home, neither of them got any sleep. Originally they had been planning on taking shifts, that way each of them could get some sleep. But that hadn't worked out and they both ended up sitting on the edge of their bed watching as Daehyun and Seojun laid wrapped up sound asleep in their bed.

They both made the promise to each other that the next night they would both get some sleep as they drank coffee after coffee to stay awake, terrified that something would go wrong on their first night out of the hospital.

When morning came, they both looked worse than they had ever looked - but neither cared because they were reassured that Daehyun and Seojun had gotten through the night fine. Taemin and Jongin told themselves that they had just been worried that they wouldn't wake up if one of the twins woke up crying, not that they thought anything bad was going to happen - even though they both had been awoken by the twins cries multiple times during the hospital stay.

When Kibum called to see how the first night had gone, Taemin didn't even need to tell him that neither of them had gotten any sleep - Key could hear it in his voice.

And when the knock appeared at their door twenty minutes later and Taemin opened the door to find Key standing there, he could have cried.

"I'm here. So you two get some rest for a bit, because neither of you are going to be any good for the twins being as exhausted as you two look." Key said, smiling at Taemin and Jongin - both of whom looked like zombies standing in the living room. Jongin had the twins in each of his arms and let out a sigh of relief at the prospect of getting some sleep.

Taemin disappeared into their room, bringing out the small portable bassinet that the boys had used the night before. "Here's their bed and blankets. If either of them get hungry, wake me up and I'll fix a bottle. If they need a diaper change, wake Jongin up - he's a master at changing diapers."

"Taemin, I can handle watching the twins for a couple hours while you all sleep." Key said, teasing smile on his face.

"Yes you can." Jongin said, walking swiftly across the room. He placed the twins in the bassinet gently and grabbed Taemin's arm, tugging at him. "We need sleep."

"Just when you go to pick them up, make sure to support their head-"

"Taemin. Go. Sleep."

Jongin half led half dragged Taemin into their bedroom, falling over onto the bed as soon as he reached in. "Kibum is more than capable of taking care of Dae and Jun for an hour or two. Plus if we don't get any sleep, what the hell are we going to do tonight?"

When Taemin woke up - a couple hours later - and walked out to the living room, leaving Jongin asleep in the bed. He found a sight that warmed his heart - Seojun sound asleep in Key's arms and Daehyun asleep in the bassinet. Taemin couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of his worries from earlier in the day about Key watching over the boys.

"See I kept your sons alive and you all got some rest." Kibum said, looking over at Taemin with a crooked smile.

Taemin sat down on the couch, "Thank you. Really. We really needed that nap."

"Yeah you did." Key said, nodding. "So you wanna tell me what that ring represents?"

"What ring?" Taemin asked, playing dumb and trying to avoid the conversation.

"That ring."

Taemin glanced down at his left hand when Key motioned at it with a jerk of his head. "Oh. That ring. It's not an engagement ring or anything."

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