the one where jongin's alone

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The twins were five months old by the time Taemin had to go back to Japan for his rescheduled concert that originally been set to take place right after the twins ended up being born.

To say Jongin was worried would be a huge understatement. He was going to be the first one left alone with the twins for more than a couple hours at a time.

And to say that Jongin was absolutely freaking the fuck out about it would honestly be an understatement.

"Jongin - you're going to be fine." Taemin said, folding a shirt before he placed it into his suitcase.

"You're going to be gone for over a week, Taem. What if something happens? How am I supposed to handle both of the twins by myself?"

"If something happens, you call me and I get on the first plane back here. You're going to do just fine. If all else fails, call one of the guys or Jung Ah. I'm sure someone will be able to come and help you out."

"We promised to be there not only for the twins but for each other. You're leaving me on my own here."

Taemin laughed, shaking his head. "Nini - we both knew eventually we were going to be alone with the twins. Going to Japan isn't going to be easy for me either, I'm going to miss both you and the boys like crazy. I'll be worried the entire time I'm gone. But we're going to get through this just fine - all of us will. You're going to do amazing because you're the best appa in the world and the boys are so lucky."

"Taemin - I just... I'm not ready to be alone with the boys for this long. We aren't prepared for this."

"You're going to do fine, babe." Taemin said, leaning over and kissing Jongin. "I have complete faith in you. If you need help, call Kibum or Jung Ah. You know they'll be right here as soon as possible to help you out. If anything bad happens, call me or my manager immediately and I'll be on the next flight back."

Jongin had made it a full day before he decided to call in some backup. He had done fine the first day, but after a less than great nights sleep and both the twins needing diaper changes at the same time first thing in the morning - he knew he was going to need help in order to get through the second day that Taemin was gone.

His first call had been to Jung Ah, who said she'd love to come over and help out but she was busy at Kamong Cafe - but would see what she could do.

Jongin figured that meant she would call in a replacement for her at the cafe and take off early to come help him.

Which meant that Jongin was really surprised when instead of Jung Ah, Sehun showed up.

"Alright, Uncle Sehun is here to help." Sehun said, walking through the door and taking off his jacket - tossing it onto the couch. "So where's my favorite? I'll handle him."

Jongin raised his eyebrows, "You have a favorite between the twins? How and why?"

"Yeah, Seojun's my favorite. He's the less fussy one, I realized that the first time Jung Ah and I babysat for you and Taemin."

Jongin shook his head, sighing. "You know I'm really insulted for Daehyun here, but if it means you're going to actually help - you can focus on Seojun."

"How long is Taemin out of the country?"

"Let's see, today's the second day of eight. So six more days." Jongin said, shaking his head.

"I don't have anything scheduled for the next six days, so I can come and help whenever you need me to. Even if it's just for a couple hours while you get some rest - I got you, Jongin."

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