the one where they're honest

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At some point, they decided to be honest with Taemin's parents about what was going on between them. And to Jongin's surprise, they were okay with it. They weren't ecstatic, Jongin could tell that much, but they weren't angry about it. They supported Taemin dating Jongin.

Jongin figured that they had come to assume that was what was happening after how many nights Jongin ended up spending at their house - it would be kinda impossible not to begin to wonder what was going on.

But the important thing was that they were okay with the news. Taemin wasn't suddenly having to find a new home, Jongin wasn't suddenly feeling like shit for causing this by reciprocating Taemin's feelings.

Things were okay, and in fact Taemin's mom had never hugged Jongin quite as hard as she did after she found out about their relationship - whispering to him that she appreciated him watching out for Taemin as much as he did.

But Jongin still wasn't ready to be honest with his mom and sisters. And Taemin was understanding of that fact - Taemin understood quite possibly the obvious difference between him and Jongin was their masculinity.

While Taemin's family might have had a slight idea about the fact that he wasn't straight because of how he looked or acted - Jongin's family most likely wouldn't have any idea that he wasn't completely straight also because of how he looked or acted.

So there was an obvious difference in how their coming out could go.

Which meant Taemin one hundred percent did not blame Jongin about not being ready to tell his family about their relationship. It was fine. The fact was that now Taemin's parents knew, Shinee knew, and EXO was no longer being hid from the fact that they were together.

It was just enough for Taemin at the moment for them to be able to spend time together as a couple at his parents house, Shinee's dorm, and EXO's dorm. That was enough for him.

It was their anniversary and Taemin's lips were practically burning against Jongin's neck as they stumbled backwards through Taemin's room towards the bed. They were stripping clothes off as they crossed the room, both down to their underwear by the time that they made it halfway across the room.

The back of Taemin's legs hit the bed and he let out a breathy laugh. He scooted back onto the bed and Jongin followed suit - leaning down over top of Taemin as they continued

Jongin smirked against Taemin's neck as he reached blindly over to the bedside table. He grabbed out one of the condoms and the bottle of lube that they kept stashed in the table for times like this. He sat back some and put the condom and lube beside them on the bed.

Jongin removed his own underwear before pulling down Taemin's, looking back up and making eye contact with Taemin while he ripped open the condoms wrapper.

Taemin laughed causing Jongin to raise an eyebrow. "What?" He asked, curious tone to his voice at the fact that his boyfriend had just started laughing when they were about to fuck.

Taemin shook his head, "Nothing really. I just can't believe all this."

Jongin leant in quickly, pressing his lips against Taemin's while he lubed both of them up. He slowly pressed himself into Taemin, a small moan escaping Taemin's lips as he wrapped his legs around Jongin's hips.

Jongin stayed still for a second, allowing Taemin time to adjust to the intrusion - even though he was sure Taemin was used to this intrusion by now - before he began thrusting, slower than he normally did. He leant in and pressed his lips to Taemin's collarbone, small smirk on his face.

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