the one with their return

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Jongin and Taemin had been having the same argument - or discussion, as they both preferred to call it - over names and what they would name their child practically ever since they got off the airplane after learning that they would indeed be having a child.

They didn't want to get their hopes up too much, they knew it was much too soon to be too excited or hopeful. But they couldn't help wanting to get ahead of themselves and imagine what having their own child was going to be like.

It was a stupid argument to be having at this point considering that they had no clue whether they were having a girl or a boy at this point - and considering a host of other things that could happen in the months ahead of them.

And naturally the stream of conversations about what their future child was going to be like changed to where the main point of discussion was whether or not they were planning on using a generational name.

It wasn’t a conversation Jongin ever really imagined coming up - but the dilemma was coming up solely because of them. Because they were both male. Because who’s generational name would they be going with if they chose to use a generational name?

Taemin had said multiple times that it was a stupid argument to be having and even though Jongin agreed, it was something they needed to figure out. Jongin knew that a bit of his concern over having this discussion - argument - now was in part due to the fact that he wasn’t the biological father.

So he was almost waiting to be told that they’d be going with a generational name from Taemin’s family.

"Traditionally there would have to be a generational name." Jongin said, earning an eye roll from Taemin.

"Maybe we don’t need to be traditional in naming regards considering we’re not traditional in any other means. So why should we stick our future child with a generational name?"

Jongin sighed, "But don’t your parents want you to follow some tradition somewhere along the line?"

"My parents want me to be happy."

Taemin. Taesun.

Jongin didn’t buy that both of their families would just be so accepting of them not following with tradition in regards to naming their future child.

He knew that his parents kind of wanted him to use his families generational name for his future child simply because he was their only son and if he didn’t then he would be the end of the generational naming line in his family.

"Jongin - you seem to forget that first off we haven’t even told my parents that it worked. That we’re going to be having a child. We’ll figure out the generational name debate when we cross that bridge."

"You need to do that soon enough anyway. Then we’ll figure out what we want to do about a name." Jongin said, shrugging slightly.

Taemin was more concerned with their child being happy and healthy than arguing over something as silly and old fashioned as a generational name - not that he didn’t think Jongin was also just as concerned about the health and happiness of their unborn child.

But Taemin honestly didn’t think a generational was all that important at this point. Sure it was tradition - but they were breaking a lot of tradition with their relationship in general. So why not break another tradition?

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