the one where they talk about it

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It had been a few weeks since their dinner with Jongin's oldest sister and her family. It hadn't necessarily been an awkward few weeks but at the same time it was more awkward than it was beforehand. Just because it seemed neither of them were sure whether they should bring up their conversation again or not.

Jongin knew it probably needed to be brought up again, but he didn't know how exactly to bring the conversation back up. So he let them both stay quiet about it - acted like it hadn't happened.

Jongin still wasnt sure if they were actually ready to even be considering the idea of finding a way to have kids, but now that that can had been opened there seemed to be no way to shut it.

Jongin and Jung Ah had gotten used to their routine of meeting up at the Cafe before it opened for breakfast whenever Jongin had enough free time to stop in and catch up.

Jongin loved getting the chance to not only catch up with his sister but to also get the chance to talk over whatever was bothering him with someone who understood him as well as anyone could.

"So what's bothering you today?" Jung Ah asked almost as soon as he had sat down at their small table.

Jongin raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"What's up?" Jung Ah asked, raising an eyebrow right back at Jongin. "Something's obviously up."

"Recently, Taemin and I have been having a discussion. It's came up a couple times now and it's like the more time goes on, the more the subject comes up. And I guess it's because we're a little older now and with how things are going with those around us including Jongdae." Jongin said, his leg nervously bouncing up and down as he glanced around the cafe.

"About what? Marriage? Am I going to get a new brother?" Jung Ah asked, grin on her face.

"No, not exactly. I mean eventually maybe at some point in the future. But it's not legal here so I don't really see the point."

"So what is it then? Obviously it's something big if it's got you like this."

"We want to start a family."

"Oh... really?" Jung Ah asked, smile on her face. "My little brother's ready to settle down and have a family? I really can't believe it. Taemin must be a miracle worker."

Jongin laughed slightly, running a hand through his hair. "Only issue though is that how do we even begin to figure out how to accomplish us wanting kids. Adoption is definitely out the window and neither of us are able to carry a child obviously. Taemin's brought up the idea of surrogacy, but we'd have to accomplish that in America. My biggest fear in a way is that only one of us will be biologically related to the child, the surrogate will have more rights than one of us will have. And how do we even find a surrogate who will be understanding of the situation and not try to get some form of custody of the baby later on?"

"You could find someone you know and trust and who knows your alls situation fully." Jung Ah said, shrugging. "Such as me for instance. And that takes care of two of your worries. You have a surrogate you trust at that point and both of you all would biologically be related to the baby."

Jongin was a little shocked, he couldn't fully process or believe the idea that Jung Ah was seemingly providing him with. "Would you really want to do that though? You're busy here and you don't want to waste months of your life carrying a baby for Taem and I. Plus you have Sehun."

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