the one with the inbetween

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Practice always included long days away from Taemin - one of Jongin's least favorite things about the idea of having an EXO tour upcoming.

However the absolute thing that was worrying him the most was how close to Jung Ah's due date the tour was.

In theory he should be back in Korea a few weeks before the twins were born, but Jongin was worried that somehow that wouldn't be the case. His worst fear was that he would be in Japan, preparing for a concert, and get a call from Taemin.

They had even discussed the idea with his manager - how things would be handled in order to get him back to Korea as soon as humanly possible if that was the case. If that situation occurred, he'd be on the first plane back and a statement would be released that due to a family emergency he'd be missing the concerts.

SM had asked Jongin and Taemin to wait until after the EXO tour before they all released a statement about the fact that they were starting a family - didn't want that to be a negative factor to the tour.

So it was going to be even closer to the due date than either of them were wanting before the world found out - but Jongin could see SM's point behind wanting to wait. If they didn't wait and their fans reacted badly to the news, that wouldn't only be affecting his and Taemin's careers and life's.

So while Jongin wished they had announced it earlier, he was alright with waiting. Even if it meant that the announcement would be last minute.

"So how's things going?" Jongdae asked, walking up to where Jongin stood - bottle of water in hand.

"Pretty good. Jung Ah's doing good and so are the twins, so things are going great."

Jongdae smiled over at him, "That's good."

"Yeah, we're trying to kinda get used to the idea that we're not that far away from having two kids."

"Can I just say I have no clue how I would have handled it if my daughter had actually been twins? I'm not trying to make you worry at all, but the adjustment to one baby was enough for me - I can't imagine how adjusting from not having any to having two babies at once is going to be."

Jongin laughed, shaking his head. "We'll figure it out somehow."

Jongdae nodded, smile on his face. "Yeah you guys will - and just know that if you need help, you can call me at any time. I know how it feels to be a first time parent, so if I can make your alls transition into parenthood easier just let me know."

"I appreciate it, Jongdae."

Jongin made it back to their home a little after midnight, falling into bed beside Taemin. Taemin rolled over, arm falling over Jongin's waist and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Sorry if I woke you." Jongin whispered, pulling Taemin as close as he could.

"That's okay, I'm glad you did." Taemin mumbled, resting his head against Jongin's shoulder. "How was your day?"

"Exhausting but good. We spent all day working on choreo for some of the new songs and refreshing on some of our old stuff." Jongin replied, running a hand up Taemin's back. "I'm getting a little nervous over the idea of going to Japan that close to when our children are supposed to be born."

"Yeah I'm a little nervous about you being gone too. I'm scared you'll be gone and Jung Ah will go into labor and then it'll be a race against time to get you back here before the twins are born."

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