the one with the break

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"So... hows things between you and... you know who?" Jung Ah asked quietly.

"You know you can say his name right? Things are still weird." Jongin replied, shrugging.

"Did you all like officially break up?" Sehun asked, raising an eyebrow.

Taemin and Jongin had gotten into an argument that ended with Jongin leaving the house. It had been a month since the argument and he was still staying at the EXO dorm.

To complicate things even more, Jung Ah was pregnant as a surrogate for them once again. They had wanted to add on one more member to their family while their twins were still really young because they didn't want a big age gap between them.

And that had added stress which ended up leading to the blow out argument and Jongin not living at home anymore.

Jongin shook his head, sighing. "No - we're just taking a break from each other. We've still been talking everyday through text, only about the twins though."

"How are the twins doing?"

"They're okay. Apparently Daehyun has been giving Taemin some trouble, but they're doing okay other than that. They're two so they obviously don't understand what's happening. I miss getting to see them everyday. They wanted to know why they couldn't go with me the other day when I stopped by and I lied, told them that I had to go practice all night and that that was why."

"Why couldn't they go with you? Is he not letting you take them?" Jung Ah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, that's not it at all. It's just my room at EXO's dorm is definitely not set up for two toddlers. Taemin's not keeping me from them in any way."


Jongin pushed his hair out of his face, "Most of my stuff is still over there. And according to Taemin there's no rush or anything for me to officially move out. We're both wanting to work through things - it's just complicated right now."

"How is this going to work if you all don't figure it out?" Sehun asked, glancing over at Jung Ah. "Jung Ah only has a couple months left in the pregnancy and you two are barely talking?"

"It's not ideal, that's for sure." Jongin said, nodding. "But we'll work it out somehow."

Jongin was surprised when his phone rung late one night, even more surprised when he saw the caller ID. Taem.

"Hey - what's up? Is everything okay?" He asked, answering the phone. The first thing he could hear was one of the twins crying loudly, which worried him.

"In general terms yes everything's fine. However I need you to come here. Daehyun is upset, he wants you. And apparently this isn't a time where I can soothe him."

Jongin was already out of his bed by the time he heard Daehyun in the background, hollering I want appa.

"What's got him upset?"

"He just misses you and wants you here. Nothing happened in particular."

"Tell him I'm on my way." Jongin said, "I'll be there as soon as I can get there."

"Thank you, Jongin."

"No need to thank me." Jongin replied, grabbing a shirt from his dresser before he hung up.

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