the one with the date night

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It had been roughly a month since they had brought the twins home and Jongin thought it was safe to say that they finally had things down pat in a way. The twins were growing and they were beginning to show more of their personalities.

Daehyun was still the fussier of the twins and Jongin tended to be the one who could get him to calm down the easiest between him and Taemin, and Seojun was the quieter of the two.

Jongin and Taemin had gotten into a routine of how they managed nighttime wakeups with usually both of them getting up. Because as they had found out usually when one twin woke up crying, the other wasn't too far behind.

So it was easier to have both of them up, divide and conquer the situation and get everyone back to bed quicker and easier than it would be if only one of them was up with both of the twins.

Jongin was surprised when Jung Ah and Sehun came up with the idea of them coming over and watching the twins for a couple hours while Jongin and Taemin went out and ate dinner. He wasn't too sure about the idea and neither was Taemin.

Jung Ah: You two need
some time out of the

Jongin: The twins are
only two months old.

Jung Ah: Jongin, I'm not
saying you two need to go
on a weeks long vacation.
I'm saying go out for lunch
or dinner, join the world of
the living again for a couple
hours and we'll watch the
Jung Ah: This way you two
can get some time away and
Sehun and I can get some
time with our new nephews.

Jongin shook his head, "Taem... maybe we should go out and get a meal together while they watch the twins. We'd only be gone for around an hour. Hell we can even make it faster than an hour."

"It's probably too soon to be leaving them with people though."

"It might be, but it's Jung Ah and Sehun - they're more than capable of watching after them for a little bit, just like Key was more than capable of it as well."

Taemin sighed, "I don't know, Jongin. I'm just worried about leaving them."

"I know, I am too. But all we've done for the past month has been stay inside the house, and for the month before that all we did was stay in the hospital. I think we could use an hour to ourselves away from home."

Jung Ah and Sehun had gotten to their house about an hour before Taemin and Jongin left to go to the restaurant, both of them wanting to get the twins fed and napping before they had left - which they were hoping they'd be back before the twins woke up.

Taemin and Jongin had chosen the closest restaurant they could have, not wanting to be too far away from their house and the twins - just in case they needed to go back home quickly.

"This is strange being back out of the house."

Jongin nodded, laughing. "Yeah it is."

"You think they're okay?"

"Yeah of course they are. Jung Ah promised that they would call if anything happened."

"I know I just still hate being away from the twins." Taemin replied, nodding.

"Me too." He said, "We can go home as soon as you want. We don't have to stay out any certain length of time."

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