the one where they visit family

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There's a bit of a time
jump between the last one and
this one. But I wanted to keep things
interesting and not drag on with
filler chapters. Hope you all
continue to enjoy the story.


Things had continued on with their new normal of spending a majority of their free time at their house and only really parting from each other when it was needed. Taemin had a solo comeback and they also had a comeback as SuperM.

Jongin hadn't really ever thought about it but he soon realized that they hadn't spent much time with his oldest sister and her family ever since they had gotten back together.

Did it make Jongin a bad person that they had been back together for almost a year and a half and he hadn't taken Taemin over to his oldest sisters house? Probably so.

He had gone to see his niece and nephew multiple times but hadn't brought Taemin, not wanting to press his luck on the acceptance he had found in his family. He was too scared to try and take Taemin with him for fear that his oldest sister wouldn't want her children around their uncle and his boyfriend.

Not only that, he wanted to make sure that him and Taemin were at a good place in their relationship - a good, solid place - before he introduced him to two of the most important people in his life as more than just a friend.

They had been over at Jongin's mom's house for Christmas morning, but they had taken a step back from how touchy they normally were.

Then came the day that Jongin's oldest sister invited them over for dinner, saying that her kids missed their uncle Jongin.

Jongin: Yeah let me
check and make sure I
don't have anything
planned with Taemin
and I'll come over for

Noona: Well hell I
didn't realize I needed
to literally spell it out.
Noona: We want you
AND Taemin to come
over for dinner.
Noona: If that's okay
with you two, of course.
Besides Christmas we
haven't gotten the
chance to meet him as
your boyfriend you
know. And my duty as
you and Jung Ah's older
sister is to make sure
you all are with decent

Jongin: I'll check with
Taemin and let you
know if we can make
it to dinner.

Jongin slid his phone back into his pocket and got up from the bed, walking out into the living room.

"Hey Taem?"

Taemin glanced up from where he was sitting on the couch, "Hang on a second, Kibum." He said, pulling his phone away from his ear. "What's up?"

"Dinner with my sister, her husband, and kids? Tomorrow night?"

"Sure." Taemin said, smiling.

Jongin nodded and walked back down the hallway, opening back up his text messages with his sister.

Jongin: We can do
dinner tomorrow.

Noona: Sounds good.
Five work for you all?

Jongin: Yeah.

Noona: See you then.

Jongin pulled on a t-shirt, glancing over at Taemin. "You don't have to look so nervous you know? You know my sister - you've met her before."

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