the one where they're home

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Sehun and Jongin were spending a now rare day with just the two of them in the gym. Jung Ah was busy at the cafe and Taemin was preoccupied with his schedule. So that left Jongin and Sehun trying to find ways to spend their day.

"So how's things been over at Taemin's house? Miss getting to see you around the dorm every day by the way."

"Things have been good - we've just been figuring out our new normal since we came out, it's strange being able to go places and not have to worry about what articles going to pop up." Jongin replied, nodding. "Miss getting the chance to see you all as well."

"As much as I still want to give Taemin hell over leaving you like he did, I do have to admit that you all are pretty much one of the best couples I've ever seen. I mean you guys just fit each other perfectly."

"I'm biased but I think we're a pretty good couple as well." Jongin said, shrugging. "And by the way, Sehun - thanks for being there for me when I wasn't the easiest person to be around."

"No problem." Sehun replied, nodding. "You would have done the same thing for me if the roles were reversed."

"Still you definitely did more than necessary by putting up with me and making me leave the dorm like a normal human being."

Sehun laughed, "You gave me a little bit of a hard time - but seriously it wasn't that big of a deal. Just did what any brother would do."

Jongin nodded, smiling over at Sehun. "You know when you first started dating Jung Ah, I asked her why out of all the guys she chose you-"

"That's a little hurtful." Sehun interjected.

"- let me finish - now I get it and I'm glad that out of all the guys she picked you."

"Well while that was a roundabout way to get to that compliment, I appreciate it."

Jongin smiled into the kiss that had greeted him as soon as he walked through the front door. Taemin had beat him home despite his thinking that he'd be the first one to get there - reckoning that Taemin's meetings would go on longer than Jongin and Sehun's work out.

He had been wrong somehow on that one - but for this case, him being wrong was a welcomed thing. Mostly because he had gotten so used to spending a majority of their days together locked in Taemin's house - not doing anything but laying around together and talking.

"Missed you today." Taemin said, pulling back.

"I missed you too." Jongin replied, "How was the meetings?"

"They were meetings, you know how those go. But we were just working out some ideas and details for my comeback."

Jongin nodded, "Meetings are the worst, but as long as you got some work done toward your comeback - cause I know you're ready for it and that you didn't like how it was pushed back."

"Yeah, it was kind of frustrating to see my comeback get pushed further out."

Jongin worried it was because of them, but he hoped it was just something that happened naturally and wasn't necessarily due to them having decided to be open about their relationship.

Jongin smiled at Taemin, "Your comeback will be amazing whenever it happens. It could happen tomorrow or four months from now and it would still be just as amazing either way."

"I love you." Taemin said quietly, "So how was your day with Sehun?"

"Love you too. My day was alright, we spent most of our time in the gym - Jung Ah was busy at the cafe all day so we were left to our own, which ended up with us just working out."

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