the one with exo's meeting

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It had been no secret to any of the members of EXO that Jongdae was in a relationship - everyone in the group knew that much; Jongin had even told Sehun multiple times that he wouldn't be surprised if Jongdae ended up marrying the girl.

They had all met her and she seemed nice enough, and Jongdae truly seemed in love - plus Jongdae was a romantic at heart.

When a meeting was called by their managers and they were simply all told the subject was Jongdae's personal life Jongin thought at most it was going to be about an official dating announcement or at most an engagement announcement.

However, they were all very surprised when he told them that they were expecting a child. You could have heard a pen drop in that room when Jongdae said it out loud. It's not that they weren't happy for Jongdae, it was just unexpected.

"Can someone say something?" Jongdae said, looking around at everyone.

"Congratulations." Sehun said quietly, nodding.

"Really congrats, Jongdae. We're all happy for you, I'm sure, it's just a little shocking." Junmyeon said, smiling at everyone.

"I was just as shocked." Jongdae replied.

"Any worries about starting a family this young? Or without anyone outside of us having known you were even dating someone?" Chanyeol asked, curiosity clear on his face.

"I'm worried, but I don't know. I think it'll all work out, and I love her - and I love our child already. So we'll make it work."

"You know there's going to be people who would want you out of the group right?"

Jongin rolled his eyes slightly at Baekhyun's question, but it wasn't like he was wrong. There would probably be people calling for Jongdae to leave EXO. However Jongin wasn't sure Baekhyun needed to bring it up.

"I am aware of that potential outcome. I've been working with our managers to figure out how to tell the world about it. We're obviously going to get married before the baby is born. So I'll have to make an announcement soon."

"We'll all have your back." Junmyeon said, nodding. "That's what we're here for - to take up for each other."

Jongdae nodded, a smile on his face. "I appreciate it."

Jongin watched as everyone else started to slowly head out of the conference room before he made his way to where Jongdae was sitting.

"Want me to come out around the same time? Take some of the heat off of you?"

Jongdae let out a laugh as Jongin sat down, shaking his head. "No - as tempting as that sounds, I suppose this is all my issue to bear right now."

"Suppose so."

"Plus I'm sure eventually it'll be yours to deal with as well."

Jongin raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Well I mean eventually you guys will want to start a family with a few kids of your own right?" Jongdae asked, shrugging slightly. "I mean I'm not saying like a month from now or something, but eventually."

It caught Jongin off guard. Sure he had always loved kids and was always good with kids - but him actually being a father at some point? He had given up on that idea a long time ago.

"We haven't talked about that subject or anything near that subject since we got back together."

"I just figure that'll be something you two will eventually want. I know you're going to be the first person I call from EXO to babysit for me, we've all seen how good you are with your niece and nephew."

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