the one with the confusion

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Jongin was surprised, and maybe even a little scared, when he walked into the living room to find Jonghyun standing there waiting for him. Suho had hollered for Jongin, saying he had a visitor and the fact that the visitor was Jonghyun was a little unsettling.

Jonghyun led Jongin out of the EXO dorm and down the hallway, stopping once they were far enough away from the dorm. "I just wanted to talk to you."

Jongin felt all the blood leave his face. He just knew that somehow Jonghyun had found out about him screwing Kyungsoo. He didn't know how he was going to handle the conversation of how much he had fucked up with Jonghyun, but he was going to have to figure out some way to handle it.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm here to talk to if you need someone. I know what you're going to be going through with trying to keep you and Taemin private from the world. I get it more than probably anyone else will, cause Kibum and I are the same way. Kibum wants to be a little more open than I do."

Jongin was relieved to say the very least. Relieved felt like a major understatement at the moment for Jongin.

"Yeah, I appreciate it. I guess Taemin told you that he wanted to be really open about us dating then?"

Jonghyun nodded, "Yeah he did. I tried to explain it to him in the way I know you're viewing it. It's not that you're choosing your career over you and Taem, it's just that you all being really open could have some really bad side effects. It sucks but it's the truth and none of us can really change that for the time being."

"Yeah, but I'm worried he still probably views it as me not wanting to admit that I'm dating him."

"I'll probably tell you this about a million times throughout your alls relationship, but Taemin's a little brat so you'll have to deal with a lot of that."

Jongin laughed, shaking his head. "You're probably extremely right about that." He said, looking down at the floor.

"I am. Taemin's really bad at listening to exactly what you're saying, he'll listen to a bit and then form his own conclusion - and he's probably already done that to you, but just in case he hasn't I'm warning you about it now."

Jongin nodded, "Thanks."

Jonghyun shrugged, glancing off to the side for a second before answering. "No problem. I may not have always approved of you all dating and I'm still not sold on you being the right person for Taemin, but I care more about seeing him happy - so if that means I have to give you tips and pointers about how to handle and treat him then that's what I'm going to do."

"I appreciate it."

"Don't mention it." Jonghyun said, awkwardly reaching out and patting Jongin on the shoulder once. "Feel free to come over to the dorm whenever you want to by the way. We really don't mind having you over and Taemin likes having you there obviously. And I don't mind rooming with Key when necessary if you all want to spend time together or something. I know you have your own room at your alls dorm but I also know that none of your bandmates know and it may be easier for you to sneak out rather than sneaking in Taemin."

"Yeah it definitely is easier crashing at your guys dorm versus my own at this point." He replied, nodding. "I don't know if any of my bandmates would notice anything off about Taemin being over but I'd rather not risk it."

Jonghyun nodded, "Understandable." He said, smiling. "Minho and Jinki may not know exactly what's going on, but they're smarter than Taemin gives them credit for and if they haven't said anything yet about you being over too much then they're not going to. Minho always wanted another little brother in the group anyway so consider Shinee's dorm like your dorm away from dorm in a way."

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