the one where everyone's back

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Jongin was exhausted from the long day of practicing but there was no way he was missing the opportunity to go to Taemin's house as soon as he was done with his EXO schedule for the day in order to get the chance to see Taemin. Especially considering that EXO was going to be heading out to Japan the next day.

He had to admit though that getting the text asking for Jongin to come over so they could talk scared the living hell out of Jongin. It almost reminded him too much of their break up, even though that had just been a text saying that it was over.

As soon as he rung the doorbell, the door opened - Taemin pulling him into a hug while they walked backwards inside the house. Jongin shut the door behind himself.

"Hi." Jongin said, pressing a kiss to Taemin's temple.

"Hey." Taemin replied, taking a step back from Jongin. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, busy as hell but still good. How about you?"

"Missed you."

Jongin nodded, "I missed you too."

They were laying in Taemin's bed in silence, no sounds playing around them and not talking. Taemin's head was laying on Jongin's outstretched arm, Taemin running his fingers against Jongin's hand.

Jongin had a small smile on his face, eyes closed as they laid there together. He tilted his head, pressing his lips to Taemin's forehead.

Taemin laughed lightly, his lips finding Jongin's after a second. "You know I usually hate how quiet this place is." He whispered, their lips still close enough for Jongin to feel Taemin say it.


"Yeah, it's too quiet. I think I got used to the how loud the dorm was with all the guys and now I'm here... and it's just so quiet. But it's not so bad when you're here."

Jongin opened his eyes, finding Taemin looking at him. "I'll be here anytime you want me to be."

Taemin nodded, "Okay."

"You don't have to be alone here you know?"

"Nini - I'm so sorry for what I did." He said quietly, eyes searching Jongin's face.

"It's okay, Taem." Jongin said, "It's okay."

They had talked about it briefly when they were in LA, but they hadn't gotten into the subject too deeply. Jongin hadn't wanted to push it too much, wanted to wait for Taemin to really bring it up and start the conversation fully.

Jongin shook his head, "I never would have blamed you. Even the day I realized what was happening, I didn't blame you babe. It was a crazy time for all of us."

"But still I fucked up so bad and then didn't even try to fix things." Taemin said, looking away from Jongin. "I practically ran as far away as I could from you instead of trying to make it up."

Jongin used his free arm to reach over, touching Taemin's chin and turning him to look back at Jongin. "I love you so much - nothing could ever change that. I'll admit I was hurt but I was never mad, Taem. Not at you at least."

"I felt like a screw up, that's why I didn't want to work things out. Like I've said I was also hoping that time to myself would serve as a way to work past every thing that had happened."

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