the one with the fight

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Jongin and Taemin were kissing each other as they made their way through Shinee's dorm, ending up in Taemin's room with the slightly older man underneath the younger on top of the bed.

Jongin moved his lips to Taemin's throat, smirking against his skin as he pressed open mouth kisses to it.

"You didn't tell me that Sehun knew."

Jongin glanced at Taemin, raising an eyebrow - out of all times to bring up any of their bandmates. "Yeah he found out before you all went on tour. I made the mistake of telling Suho I was going out to meet Sehun for lunch - cause he was already gone from the dorm when I went to leave and I didn't tell Sehun. He went back to the dorm, Suho asked questions, Sehun took pity upon me and didn't tell Suho he had no clue where I was. He kind of put things together after that."

Taemin grinned slightly, "Guess we're in luck then that he decided to pity you."

Jongin shrugged, pressing his lips against Taemin's throat again. "Can I just get back to fucking you now?"

Taemin shakes his head, and Jongin thinks he's joking for a second until he gently shoves Jongin off to the side a bit. "Nope. Cause you fucking me has meant rough and fast the last few times and I'm not in the mood for rough and fast - makes me feel like your dirty little secret Kim Jongin. And I don't like feeling like that."

Jongin quirked an eyebrow, confusion and slight amusement written clearly across his face. "Aren't we kind of each others dirty little secrets though?"

"You're not mine." Taemin replied, his face closing off - becoming a blank look up at Jongin. "I'm tired of the sneaking around and the having to find people to lie for us to cover up the fact that you're off with your boyfriend."

"C'mon Taem. Let's not talk about this right now."

"When are we gonna talk about it then Jongin? I'm moving out of the dorm tomorrow. I'll be back at my parents house and we both know good and well that you're not going to come over to my parents house to spend time with me."

"I can't because they'll start to think-"

"Oh yeah God forbid anyone starts to think that you may actually be in love with a man." Taemin said, twisting his way out from underneath Jongin and moving to the opposite side of the bed. "Just go on back to your dorm, Jongin."

Jongin let out a sigh, "Taemin - come on. Don't be like this."

Jongin heard the door to the dorm opening out in the living room - figured it was the rest of Shinee. Taemin sat up, looking back over at Jongin with anything but a friendly look on his face.

"Get out, Jongin." He said, loud enough for whoever was in the living room to hear.

Jongin heard footsteps coming toward the hallway and got up from the bed, shaking his head. "Fine Taemin. Call me whenever you're over whatever the hell this is." He said, grabbing his suit coat and walking to the bedroom door.

Jongin was met by Jonghyun and Kibum at the end of the hall. "What's going on? Everything okay?" Kibum asked, shooting Jongin a worried glance.

"He's just.. he's being a brat so I'm gonna head on out. I told him to message me or call whenever he's ready to talk." Jongin said, shaking his head. "Sorry guys."

And with that Jongin left the dorm. Kibum and Jonghyun looked over at each other and Jjong sighed, shaking his head slightly.

Kibum shot him a small smile, "Come on - it's not like we didn't have our issues at the start too. You go spend the night in there with Taeminnie and make sure he's alright."

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