the one at new years

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Jongin and Taemin celebrated Christmas together - nothing big, just got each other a gift and spent the day together before Taemin had to go to his fanmeet. Jongin had only gotten back into Korea on the twenty third and they had decided to spend the night of the twenty fourth and the morning of the twenty fifth together knowing that Taemin would be in Japan for New Years while Jongin would be in Korea for an EXO concert.

It was nice getting to spend a little bit of their first holiday back together with each other, but Jongin hated that they'd be missing out on New Years with each other. But he couldn't find a way to get to Japan in between his concert and the end of Taemin's concert.

He was silently cursing the fact that their concerts in Japan were in the days leading up to Christmas, while Taemin was in Korea. And now it was the opposite; they were in Korea, while Taemin was in Japan.

Until Junmyeon and Sehun burst into his dorm room - Sehun holding up his laptop.

"We found a flight to Japan!" Junmyeon hollered, "It would be a tight fit, but we think you could make it to the airport in time after our concert and it would be close to landing before or right after midnight. So you might not make it in time to celebrate New Years at midnight with Taem - but you'd get there."

Jongin nodded, "I'll take the flight."

"Booking it now." Sehun said, setting his laptop down on Jongin's bed and kneeling down in front of it - typing away.

Jongin had been in talks with Taemin's manager, who knew he was coming and would either be picking him up from the airport or sending someone to get him. He had a bag packed and in the backstage area of their venue where their New Year's Eve concert was being held - he was still worried about how tight the timing of his exit from the venue and his time he had to be at the airport was. But he was hoping he'd make it in time, because he had to make it in time.

His manager had told him he'd have the car ready to go before the final song even began - that he'd be waiting for Jongin in the car, ready to drive to the airport.

As soon as the concert was over and they were backstage, Jongin quickly said his goodbyes to the rest of the group and made a dash through the venue - running as fast and as hard as he could to the back exit where him and his manager had discussed leaving through.

Jongin hurried through the door and got into the passengers seat of his managers car.

"Ready to head to Japan?" His manager asked, smiling over at him.


They made it to the airport in time much to Jongin's relief and were able to get checked through security quickly due to not a lot of people being in the airport - Jongin figured most everyone was home celebrating with their families or out celebrating with friends.

Jongin: Made it to
the airport. Will be
in Japan in a couple

TM Manager: Will
have car waiting
for you.

Jongin exited that chat and opened up his one to Sehun, who had told him numerous times to let him know when he got to the airport.

Jongin: I'm at the

Sehun: Awesome.
Have a good trip.

Once the plane landed in Japan and Jongin and his manager made their way through the airport, they found the car that Taemin's manager had sent waiting outside for them and were off to the hotel that Taemin was staying at. Jongin had turned his phone back on to multiple missed calls from Taemin and texted him.

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