the one with their routine

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They were halfway through the beginning half of the tour when Jongin finally started getting used to their new routine. Their routine that included staying locked in their hotel room alone for as long as possible before finally accepting that they had to get up.

"You think it'd be too much to ask for them to just not bug us for ten more minutes?"

Jongin smiled, pressing a kiss to Taemin's forehead. "Yeah probably so."

"You know when we were talking about what to expect and you said Baekhyun was going to make our lives hell - I didn't expect you to be so right about that. He's cockblocked us every damn time since we got on tour."

Jongin laughed, "I love you. And yes he has been every night, and I'm about this close to trying to find a way to make his life a living hell as well - if only he wasn't our leader."

"If only he wasn't." Taemin said, smiling at him.

"It's been nice spending this much time with you. Even if we haven't really gotten to do much other than concerts, flying, and sleeping - it's still be really nice."

Taemin nodded, "I was thinking... and I know it's probably too soon but maybe when we get back to Korea... maybe you could stay at my house sometimes, like whenever we both have a free schedule. I mean you really don't have to if you don't want to."

Jongin took in a deep breath, thinking for a minute. "Well let's see - stay at the EXO dorm or stay at your house with you. Sounds like an easy decision to me. Of course I'll stay with you. Place is too big and quiet for just you anyway."

Taemin smiled, glancing away from Jongin for a second. "It is. It's actually a place I was looking at before we broke up. I told you I was wanting to get my own place so that we could be together whenever we wanted and that's one of the places I looked at."

"It's nice."

"I was hoping you'd think so. Cause my plan when I looked at it originally was also to ask you to move in. The place seemed like one where we could start a future together."

Jongin leant over, pressing a kiss to Taemin's cheek. "I would have said yes, by the way."

"You still could - move in officially, that is." He said, turning to look at Jongin again.

"Maybe eventually." Jongin replied, "Got to make sure you don't get tired of me first."

"Never." Taemin answered, connecting their lips again.

"Well then maybe sometime in the future I'll move in if you still want me to by then."

"So how long are you planning on interrupting Taemin and I every time we go to do anything?" Jongin asked, walking up beside Baekhyun.

"Just as long as it's fun to fuck around with you all like this."

"Baek - seriously, all I'm asking is for you to cut it out."

"No can do." Baekhyun replied, "It's practically my job as your alls leader to do this to you guys. Plus I've got to make sure you all don't rush into things; it would be bad for the group if you all did and things didn't work out."

Jongin shook his head, "Things won't go bad between us. Not again."

"And I hope you're right, but what if you aren't? We're in the middle of tour, we can't have you all potentially breaking up in the middle of this tour - it's our first one as a group."

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