the one with the talk

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Jongin was sitting at the table with his mom and both of his sisters, he had been mainly focusing on his food - only entering into the conversation whenever a question was directed his way.

"How was the tour, Jongin?"

Jongin looked up from his plate, nodding slowly. "It was good. I'm glad to be back though."

"Why are you glad to be back? You don't exactly get that much time off so you might as well still be on tour." His oldest sister injected into the conversation.

"Yeah, but being back in Korea means I get to spend time with some people outside of my EXO bandmates."

"So you mean you're enjoying being back cause you get to spend time with Taemin oppa?" His other sister, Jung Ah, asked, shooting him a small grin.

Jongin had to do everything in his power not to choke on his water. Jongin cleared his throat, "He's my best friend, been my best friend since I started training so yeah I like getting to spend time with him."

"Should have brought him tonight." The same sister said again, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly that Jongin's mom probably didn't even notice.

"He was busy. Shinee's recording for their next CD."

"Shame. We'll have to get together again soon so that we can catch up with him as well."

"Yeah I'll run that idea past him." Jongin said, nodding and focusing on the food in front of him.

Jongin was on his way back to the EXO dorm when his phone rang. He pulled his phone out, looking at the screen Taeminnie. He couldn't help but smile at the name, Taemin had changed his contact to the nickname a couple days before Jongin went on tour.

"Hey." Jongin said, answering the call.

"Hey there." Taemin replied, "Just thought I'd check in to see how your dinner went."

"It went great. They wanted to know where you were though. Or well at least Jung Ah wanted to know where you were."

"Oh really?" Taemin asked, Jongin could hear him shuffling around on the other end of the phone and assumed that he had been laying down and just now sat up.

"Yeah. Said I should have invited you to dinner." Jongin said, shaking his head. "So you may have to make an appearance at a dinner some point in the near future. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all." Taemin replied quickly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Of course I don't mind. I think it's cool that your family wants to catch up with me."

Jongin smiled to himself, "Thanks, I appreciate it." He said, walking into the dorm building.

"So what are you doing?"

"Heading back home. What about you?"

"Sitting on my bed, I was getting ready to head to bed but-"

"But what?"

"If you're alright with it - like if you don't have to go back to your dorm right away - I think we should meet up."

Jongin stopped at the elevator, "I'm fine with that. I don't think if I have anything important tomorrow so I don't have to head to the dorm right away."

"Good. Meet me at the dorm?"

"Gotcha. I'll be up here in a minute."

"Alright see you." Taemin said, hanging up the phone almost immediately.

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