Chapter 2

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(Present-day - The Kennedy Center-Concert Hall)

"Thank you! Thank you all!" She beamed and waved before she took several bows. Mercedes glanced back into the sold-out crowd and smiled. She never thought that she would sell out the entire 2,465 seats. Even after she shot to stardom just four years ago. She may act all diva on stage, but offstage she's become very humble. The standing ovation, for her, lasted ten minutes before she gave one final wave and walked off stage. 

"Ms. Jones?" An assistant for the Kennedy Center called to her. Mercedes stopped in her tracks as she watched the man step up to her. " Your dressing room is ready with your laptop on with Skype." He said. Her face lit up as she grabbed the man's hand and shook it. "Thank you so much. I am going to be in there for a while getting changed and then talking on Skype. Please make sure I am not disturbed. This is a very important conference call."

The assistant nodded as he spoke. "Noted. Oh, this came to you express mail." He said, handing her an envelope. Mercedes thanks him before she continued to walk to her dressing room. She walked in before she closed and locked the door. She sat at the make-up table as her laptop was on a portable desk to her left. She looked down at the envelope in her hand and saw it was from William McKinley High. She started to open it when someone appeared on the monitor screen. "Well, hello sexy." A male voice said. Mercedes looked up to see her top favorite person in the world, happy but tired. "Well, hello to you too." She said, putting down the letter to concentrate on the handsome guy on the screen.

"How was work?" She asked him as he sat back and began to take off his top. "Rough, but good." He said as she started to take off her make-up and jewelry. "So, that means a great night?" She asked. "You know it, babe. And now that I'm done for a while, what do you want to do to celebrate?" He asked as he stood up and stripped down to his green boxer briefs.

Mercedes sighed as she shrugged. "Be with you." She answered as she pulled her hair into a ponytail and got up to grab her jeans and two t-shirt top. "Aww, that's so sweet baby. And you will. But It's been a good while since you and I have seen each other. With you on your tour and I've been gone as well," He paused before slipping on some jeans and a fresh t-shirt. "I miss you. I want to tell the world about us. I want the world to know how much I love you." He told her.

Mercedes changed out of her ball gown and into her street clothes. "But, babe, your career." She told him. "Honey, I have never cared about it, as much as I care about you. Besides, I agreed to that only because of your career. It was just starting out. But now you are the star I always knew you were. And I'm good in my career."

Mercedes sighed as she sat down to slip on her socks and shoes before she stared at him while he did the same. She reached for the letter and finished opening it. She pulled it out and began to read. "What's that?" He asked as she looked up in shock. "It's from Mr. Shue. Apparently, he wants to have a five-year glee/class reunion."

"What?" He said as he got up to check his mail and found a letter also. He quickly opened it and read the same. "I got one as well." He stated as he looked back up at her. "Do you want to go?" She asked him. "Yeah, it would be good to see the gang again." He said before he narrowed his eyes in concentration. "Do you want to tell them about us?" He asked. 

"Yeah, but not right away. Let's just see how the initial reunion meeting is first. Then we'll let them know." She told him. "Really?" He asked and smiled as he leaned in. "Yes, really. As a united front. Now let me get home to you, so we can get ready to go back to Lima, Ohio." Mercedes told him as she smiled, sitting back.

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