Chapter 9

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The rest of the day, Mercedes and Sam enjoyed themselves. And by nightfall, they decided to eat in their room. Most everyone did, especially after Quinn's drunken outburst the night before. Will agreed that tonight should be more peaceful. He knew Holly had their dinner already upstairs and he was hungry. He was about to catch the elevator up to his floor when he felt someone from behind. He quickly turned to see Emma standing there looking prim and proper as usual. "Emma." He said giving her a quick once-over before turning back to face the elevator's door.

 "Hi, Will." She softly said as she stepped up to his side and stared at him, noticing how he had changed. "How's life?" Will cast a glance at her as she tried but failed to smile. "Why do you care?" He asked, in a stand-offish tone. "I do care, Will. I have always cared about you. If I didn't, I wouldn't ask."

Will sighed and knew he was being guarded before he gave a slight nod. "I'm fine. Holly and I are great. After the school year is over, we plan to vacation in Greece. We've been saving up for the last two years." "Hmm. How did Teri take the news to you getting married?" She casually asked, causing Will to give her the side-eye.

He noticed that she had that wide eye look that meant she was anything but being nice and interested. More like nosy and messy. "Right, Emma." He said as he turned to fully look at her. "What, Will?" She said as she turned to face him as well. "You don't care about hearing anything good about my wife and I. You want the dirt and mess of whatever is inside of your warped mind. Well, let me save you the trouble. My ex-wife had to learn that she no longer had a say in my fucking life." He told her as he spoke through his teeth at a low tone. 

"When Holly and I committed ourselves to one another, I didn't look back. I can care less about what is going on will Teri. She has her life and I have mine. And I can say the same to you, Emma. You have your life and I have mine. I tried giving heart and soul to Teri and we saw what happened. Then I tried to give you my heart and soul and once again we saw what happened there. So, instead of feeling burned I gave it one more shot and found someone who is as real as they come." Will rambled on, keeping his anger in check.

"But Will, you hurt me. You kissed Shelby and then there was April." Emma began but Will cut her off with a shake of his head. "And it proved to me that I couldn't make mistakes and be forgiven by you. You were never ready for me. For us. And that was proven when you married Carl on a whim after dating him for a short time. I had to suck it up, and the same can be said for you dealing with the fact I am married to Holly. Suck it up. Deal with it and move the hell on, Emma." He told her with hurt and anger in his eyes.

Emma stood there shocked as the doors opened before Will stepped inside. "Go home to your husband, and let me go up to my wife. Good night, Mrs. Howell." He said with a two-finger salute from his temple before the elevator doors closed. Emma closed her mouth then turned around to mask the embarrassment before she left the hotel, heading home.

Rachel was walking out of her room and headed to the top floor. She needed to talk to Mercedes and make her understand. What she wasn't sure how,  but she figured she'd think of something once she got to the door. She went to the elevator when a voice called from behind. She turned her head to see Finn Hudson walking towards her. 

So many emotions went through her at that moment. But the one that was the loudest was those feelings she had in high school of him. She nervously wiped her palms on her jeans, feeling like that young girl, so long ago. "Rachel." He said her name, smiling. "Finn. Hi." She said looking up into his face.

"Hi." He said, standing next to her to press the elevator's button. "I know I hadn't gotten to talk to you yet, but it's great to see you." Rachel smiled as she nodded. "You too. You look good." "You look good, too." He repeated the sentiment. "Some beginning, eh?" Finn said as he watched the elevator open up. He let her on first before he stepped on. The doors closed as Rachel sighed. "Yes, it was. Your girlfriend is something. Always has been."

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