Chapter 21

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It was the last day for the glee gang to be together. They had a big breakfast then did their packing before everyone gathers together in Sam's and Mercedes' huge family room. "So what's up?" Puck asked as Santana nodded in agreement. "Yeah, why are we here?"She said while looking at everyone.

Sam stood in front of the huge flat screen while putting a game disc into his Xbox 360 Kinect before turning around. "Well, Mr. Shue wanted to do the last thing we were supposed to do before the reunion ended. And Cedes is going to pass around her notebook to get your information so we can keep in touch. That way I can get those passes and tickets to the Superbowl to anyone that wants to go." He explained and smiled while watching them all try to reach for the notebook. One by one, minus his in-laws and his siblings, all signed the book before handing it back to Mercedes.

"Okay, now the floor is yours, Mr. Shue," Sam said handing the game's karaoke mic to Will. He stood there before everyone and cleared his throat before starting to tear up a bit. "I just wanted to thank you all for coming. You didn't have to come. But you did. And after what Quinn did, I wouldn't have blamed any of you if you had just left. Especially, you, Mercedes. I am so proud of you and Sam. I'm really proud of all of you. Some of you went and achieved your dream.  Some of you found new dreams to achieve. I want to tell you that you all are more than my students and friends. You are my family. And here is my song to sing." He told them before he used the game controller to pick the song he wanted to sing.

Will chose the song and it began to play before everyone bopped their heads or swayed softly. He started to sing the old school classic as he looked at them all while the words played behind him on the screen. After his song ended, everyone clapped watching him smile before Sam steps back up. Will handed him the mic then went to sit next to his wife. "Who else wants to go at it? Stacy? Stevie?" The teens just shook their heads as they held their hands up. "No, thanks, big brother." Stacy stated with a smile. "Yeah, we'll leave the singing up to you professionals." Stevie told them all.

"I'll go." Holly said getting up walk over where Sam was at. He handed her the mic before she spoke to everyone. "I just wanted to say that without you guys I would have never met Will nor we would had the chance to fall in love. And I agree with him, you all are family to me. To us both. You kids grew up to be so successful in your own ways and made my husband's day when you all showed up for the reunion. So, I think this song says it best." She finished before she chose her song, turned towards them, and began to sing.

Burt and his family sat together watching her. All the couples were sitting together and Roger,Jeff, Cynthia, Stevie, and Stacy sat together as Holly sang her song. Once she finished, Sam was back with the mic looking around. Burt's hand shot up causing his family to look at him. "Burt?" Sam called to him. "Dad?" Finn and Kurt asked in shock. "Daddy, are you going to sing?" Belle asked as he stood up. "Sure. Why not?" Burt said with a grin before he walked up. 

"Mom, stop him," Kurt said as Finn nodded in agreement. "Oh, let him sing." Blaine smiled. "I've heard Dad when he thinks no one is around. He's pretty good." Carol, Belle, Finn, and Kurt looked from Blaine to Burt as he chose his song before he spoke.

"Now I know I'm no professional but I can sing okay. I just wanted to say thank you to all for making my son's life better than before. And for both my sons bringing me and my wife together. And to our baby girl and our baby grand-daughter." Burt stated with emotion. "Our family is complete and all of you are extended family. This reunion may have started off strange but it's ending on a great note. So here 's my song." Burt said when he started the music and turned back to face them.

He began to sing with the karaoke background singers. Everyone smiled and clapped as his family was surprised at their husband/father's hidden talent. Everyone rocked and clapped as he crooned the tune. Belle giggled as she bopped her head back and forth to the music. Melody stretched her little chubby hands at her grandpa, recognizing his singing. Sam pulled Mercedes closer into his side. She leaned her head into his chest when she got a vibrating feeling in her pocket. "Daddy, that was great!" Belle said as everyone clapped at the end. "Honey, you sound great," Carol said amazed. "Well, I figured all that singing to Melody and she's never cried I must be somewhat good." Burt said causing them to laugh.

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