Chapter 8

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A/N: The song above is what Belle and Sam are singing to Mercedes on stage.

Everyone met Will Schuester and Holly Holiday Shuester in the auditorium where the glee gang used to perform back at William McKinley High. They all filled the seats as Belle was dressed in a pink and purple sundress that Kurt made her for her birthday. She had her hair done in two pigtails her mom fixed for her as she stood before the crowd of familiar people and family. She leaned into the microphone and spoke. "I'm ready Mr. Shue." She said sweetly before he smiled as he signaled to the band to start. 

Belle began to sing. The former students of Mr. Shue all smiled and bopped along as they watched the next generation of Mr. Schue's mini gleeks perform with Bella Hummel. They all watched her turned and dance as they sang with the song. Sam and Mercedes sat next to Kurt and Blaine, while Burt and Carole filmed the performance.

Mercedes reached into Blaine's arms as she grabbed her God-daughter. The baby cooed and sighed as she recognized her God-parents. Sam was focusing on Belle on stage and Melody in his wife's arms when Mercedes felt a stare from above in the seats. She casually glanced up and over in the direction of Noah Puckerman. He simply smiled at her. Mercedes narrowed her eyes at him before she turned her attention back to the front and the baby girl in her lap. Before she knew it was over and everyone was cheering and clapping.

"Thank you!" They all said before they bowed a few times. "Encore! Encore!" Burt said as he stood,  cheering like the proud father he was. " Dad!" Finn and Kurt said with smiles as Burt, sat down but still clapped. "Okay! Everyone that was my mini glee, group, Natural Talent." Will said into the microphone as Belle remained on stage, while the rest of Natural Talent stepped down into their seats. 

"My high school glee group, Pure Musicians, are out of school on break. And working with both groups is so fulfilling. Holly mainly works with Pure Musicians and I help out from time to time and during the concerts and regionals and such." He said before the noticed the band was ready and so was Belle. "Oh, you're ready? Okay, Bella Hummel has one more song she wants to sing. So, here she is again. Bella Hummel!"

Everyone clapped as Belle stood there, looking at one person in particular in the audience. "Are you ready, Sam?" She asked out into the seats. "Sam?" Mercedes said his name in confusion as he handed Melody to Mercedes and smiled. He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek before he stood up and walked down to the stage's steps. Mercedes, Kurt, Blaine, Carol, Burt, April, Mike, Holly, and Will clapped and cheered.

The rest followed suit as Sam walked over and grabbed a guitar and two stools. "Here you go, Belle." He said as they both sat down. " I wanted to sing this with Belle and dedicate this to my heart. Mercedes." He said as he looked at her. Soon everyone's eyes followed over to her as he continued. "After this week, I will be gone far away from her. The play-offs are soon and then the Superbowl if my teams make it that far. And I just want her to know what thoughts will be in my heart and my mind as we won't be together. What has been there since the beginning." He said as he began to play a familiar tune.

Mercedes' eyes widened before they began to water up. Kurt got up and moved into Sam's seat as he and Blaine leaned into her from both sides. April and Mike snuggled. As well as Burt and Carol and Will and Holly. The rest of them just sat there, when Emma and Carl walked in and took a nearby seat. She glanced down at Will and Holly. While Artie sat away from Tina. Brittany sat next to Lauren and Rachel. And Puck, Finn, and Santana sat seats apart in the same row. Quinn sat with her hangover in the upper seats away from everyone.

Mercedes began to cry as she focused on Sam strumming on the guitar she recognized as the one she got him for winning his first game as a rookie. He gave her a wink that caused her to laugh softly. She looked down in her arms as she saw Melody watching as well. She noticed the baby turn to reach for her daddy, Blaine, as he welcomed her into his arms. The baby instantly went to sleep, listening to Sam, her Auntie Belle, and the heartbeat of her daddy. Kurt teared up as well before snuggling into the shoulder of his best friend.

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