Chapter 14

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Cynthia smirked and arched a perfect eyebrow while her gaze locked with the younger woman's. "Excuse me!  You can't tell me what to do. I think I will be going now." Quinn stated before she picked up her bags and was about to walk away. "Sam, baby, open the door. Then call Mercy to check up on her. I'll handle this." Cynthia said staring at Quinn, who was looking at them all. 

"Sam?" She cried for help before Sam shook his head while letting his father-in-law and brother-in-law inside. "I told you to be gone before I came back. This is your own fault." He told her before walking inside himself, leaving both women out in front of the walkway.

"You'll get in that house and get ready for bed. Don't think of trying to sneak into Sam's and Mercy's room. If I catch you doing anything and I mean anything from tonight to tomorrow night to Sam or to hurt my daughter." Cynthia stated before narrowing her eyes at Quinn. "I will promise you a world a pain that you'll never recover from. Understand me, Miss Fabray?"

Quinn's eyes went wide as Cynthia simply smiled at her. "Oh, I know who you are. I can't believe you forgot who I was. You stayed with my family and bonded with us while you were pregnant. What happened to you, girl?"  Cynthia said in a disappointed tone. "No matter what the problem is, I got my eye on you. That's why you and I are sharing a room. Don't mistake my shock of you being here for ignorance. So get inside and get ready for dinner then bed." Quinn opened her mouth but quickly shut it when Cynthia cast a look that meant business. "Go on." The woman instructed Quinn.

Sam was in his room on the phone before he fell back against the bed. "This is not at all funny!" He said fighting a small smirk on his lips. He relaxed and continued to listen to the beautiful laughter on the phone. "Oh, believe me, I wasn't laughing when you told me Quinn was there. It explains why no one has seen her. But knowing mama's there makes it so much better." She said before she finished giggling. "I wish I could be there to support my baby in his first playoff game." Mercedes sighed sadly. Sam sighed also and let his free hand rest upon his stomach as he closed his eyes. "Me too." He spoke softly. "I love you, Diva." "Aww. I love you too." Mercedes told him. Sam gave a bittersweet smile before he sat back up.

"I'm serious. I love you so much, Mercedes Evans. With all that I am. And it won't be the same without you. I even had passes set aside for you and anyone you wanted to bring before we knew about the reunion. I didn't want you to be there by yourself-." He stopped rambling when he heard her call his name. "Sam? Sam? Baby, close your eyes and think of me when you get out there on the field. I promise you, you'll feel me so close it's like I'm right there. I got to go baby. You need your rest." She told him.

"Yeah, I know. Goodnight, honey. I love you." He told her in a deep, hoarse whisper. "I know, sweetie. Goodnight, hero." She whispered then smiled before disconnecting the call.  Mercedes exhaled then started to dial a number. "Hey, remember that favor you said you owed me?" She spoke on the line to someone. "Can I collect on it now?" She grinned while the person responded.

"Dinner was great, mama," Jeff stated. "Yeah, mama, it was great." Sam agreed. "Thank you," Cynthia replied, smiling as she noticed Quinn was quiet while she ate. "So, how's Mercy," Cynthia asked Sam. "She's good." He began to say. "She went to bed and that's what I need to do now. Night all." Sam told them with sadness as he got up. "Night." They all said as he got up and headed towards his room. Quinn wiped her mouth with her napkin as she got up as well." Well, I think I will go to bed as well. " "Quinn?" Cynthia said as she finished and stood as well. "Yes, Mrs. Jones?" She answered. "I think that is a great idea. Let's go." "What?" Quinn spat out as she watched the woman walk up to her before turning towards her husband and son. "Jeff, you and your dad take care of the kitchen and dining room for me. I'm going to be with my new room mate, getting ready for bed."

"What?" Jeff and Roger, both said as they watched the ladies walk upstairs to their room. "Damn." Roger said as he narrowed his eyes at Quinn Fabray. Jeff took noticed and smirked. "That girl is making enemies all around." He said as he help his dad with the dishes.

Hours later, in the early morning/late night the glee club gang were all gathered on the first floor. "Why in the hell are we all out here in the lobby?" Puck mumbled. "And fully dressed with our luggage?" April wondered as well. "Will?" She called to Mr. Shue as all eyes went up to him. "I don't know as well. I just know the front desk called me and told me to get dressed and pack." "They said the same to all of us." Lauren stated. "Well, I am going to find out what is going on?" Rachel said as she left her bags and walked up to the front desk. She noticed the distinguished gentleman there, before he looked up. "Yes, Miss Berry?" "You know me?" She said, flattered. "Oh, yes. I am a big fan of yours." "Well, thank you." She smiled before she changed her tone. "Well, if that's true why have your treated me and my friends like this?"

"I was given strict instructions to have you all dressed, packed, and ready before your bills were closed up. And I had to make sure you were out of your rooms." "What?" They all said together. "Hey, what's going on?" Someone said, as heads turned towards the voice. They saw Burt, Carol, Melody, and Belle walking up. They were dressed and packed also."Dad? Mom?" Finn, Kurt, and Blaine said as they stepped up. "What are you doing here?" Blaine said as he reached his daughter to give her a hug.

"We got a call to get dressed, pack for all of us and get here." Burt said. "From who?" Santana asked. " Yes, who has done this with out our permission?" Rachel demanded to know. "I did it." Mercedes stated as she walked up, dressed in blue jeans with a t-shirt proudly stating Sam's team. It was one of his practice shirts that had his last name on the back.

"Cedes?" Puck and Artie asked as Artie wheeled up towards her. "Why?" Mercedes noticed the bellmen standing near all their bags as she nodded. "It's about to be Sunday and I want to be with my husband for his first play-off game ever. And I wanted to share with my friends and family. And I consider you all both. Quinn tried to start some mess. And I'll be damned that by the end of this reunion that we all stop speaking or hate each other. So, you all are coming to Florida with me to stay with me and see the game."

She glanced at all of them as she continued. "I have passes that will let you in the sky box, Sam has for me or the floor. You all can pick where you want to be. If you want to be in sky box, there's food and drinks. As for me, I am going to be on the floor cheering my husband. We can dish out our problems later." She told them all. "Burt. Carol. You both are like second parents to me. I didn't want you to work at having a play-off party when you can relax. And Mr. and Mrs. Shue, I would be honored if you both enjoy this and the rest of the reunion in sunny Florida. Miami ,in the late fall, is pretty great." Everyone was quiet,trying to think. Mercedes sighed and started to walk off.

"Wait!" Kurt said as he Finn looked at each other. "I vote for Miami!" They both said. Kurt hurried up to her and put an arm around her shoulder. Everyone cheered as they followed Mercedes and Kurt, who lead them out to a stretch limo and their bags being put in. Everyone climbed in and buckled up as they were driven to the airport. "I bet Sam can't wait to see you." Tina said. "He doesn't know. It's a surprise. By the time we get to my house, he'll be in practice and my family will be in the sky box, at the stadium." Mercedes smiled before she sat back quietly, letting everyone else chat amongst themselves.

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