Chapter 6

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Mercedes was in shock as she stood across from Finn. She saw the emotions fighting on his face as he tried to do his trademark half-smile. A long time ago she secretly thought that was the cutest thing about him. And whenever he would look her way, she would dare to think it was even sexy. But now all it did was make her want to slap the hell out of him. 

"I know I was a coward and all. But there were so many reasons that I couldn't be with you. Popularity. I was on the football team. Everyone would make fun of me." He said as his voice fell at the last admission. Mercedes quietly before she heard someone from behind her. "Miss? Miss?" A voice said from the back. She turned back around and handed her credit card to cashier. " Thank you. Sign here, Mrs. Evans." The person said as Mercedes signed the credit card slip.

Finn cringed at the young guy calling her by her married last name. At that moment, he wondered what would her name sound like with his. Mrs. Mercedes Hudson. He smirked at the fact it sounded like her. Perfect. He came back from his thoughts as he watched her grab her bags of food. "But there was only one reason I could be with you, Cedes." He said as he watched her pause again. He saw her hand mid-air frozen in front of the drink caddy that held two cups of soda of some kind. 

He assumed she was waiting for him to finish. "It was that I loved you." He smiled as he focused on the back of her shapely, curvy form. Mercedes turned back towards him with her bags of food in her left hand as she moved up towards him. Before he knew it, her manicured right hand came up and moved across the cheek that was closest to her. Finn's face turned fast at the stinging reaction to the slap.

" How dare you, Finn Hudson!" She scolded him. "Cedes, I-." He began as she cut him off. "Don't 'Cedes' me. You don't get to profess your so-called undying love to me. Not now. Not ever." She said as she narrowed her eyes. "You had your chance in high school. Hell, you had your chance before I got married. You were at the wedding, remember? You and Puck have fucked up timing!" She cursed at him, as her anger began to boil.

 "You both had plenty of opportunities and you chose not to act on anything. I really thought that I wasn't going to find anyone to enhance my life until there was a chance meeting of the tired broken hearts club." She said as she looked off for a minute to smile privately. She then looked back up at him. "And now my life is full, happy, and complete. So, I have one message for you. And I suggest you pass it along to Puckerman."

Finn swallowed quietly as he listened on. "Keep the hell away from me. You had your chance and you passed on it. And high school wasn't the end-all to be all. And it so isn't what real life is going to be. Go be with Quinn or Rachel. Or in Puckerman's case, Lauren. So, let's finish this week and then I won't have to see you unless I come to visit my Goddaughter or your parents or your sister or brother or brother-in-law. Got it?" She asked him. "Yeah. Got it." He spoke softly before he watched her walk back to the counter to get her drinks before leaving him there alone.

"Artie, are you still upset with me?" Tina asked as she sat in bed next to Artie as he channel surfed quietly. "No, Tina," Artie said softly. "Are you sure? Because you look like you are?" She egged on. Artie paused on a channel before he looked at her as he took off his glasses. "Tina, you did something childish. Which considering you were a child, makes sense. Therefore, why would I be mad? Now if you don't mind I want to go to sleep. Goodnight." He said as he pushed himself down in the bed and closed his eyes to go to sleep. Tina sat there as the illumination of the television screen lit up the silent tears that fell down her face. She quietly wiped them away as she knew she had to explain and make this up to him somehow.

"Puck, are you kidding me?" Santana said as Brittany sat on their bed and waited for the arguement to stop. "What was all that about with you and Weezy from The Jeffersons aka Mercedes Jones Evans?" Santana rolled her eyes as she paced back and forth. "I can't believe she got the pro-NFL rookie football player that is about to go to the playoffs and may get a Superbowl ring! And she's living the high life. Life is unfair!" 

"Puckerman, it's off!" Lauren said to him as Puck stood there while Santana and Lauren paces and Brittany continued to sit there, listening to whatever was on her iPod. "What?" He yelled in confusion at them both as he glanced at Brittany every now and again , wondering why is she so cool about this.

"You heard me, Noah!" Lauren said as she took off the ring and tossed it at him. Puck caught the ring in the air as he stared at it in shock. "You want her so bad, go to her and tell her. I don't give a damn! Ooh, I need to go punch a bag before I punch you!" Lauren said as she headed for the door. 

"Lauren, wait!" Puck said as she opened the door. "Where are you going?" He asked her, trying not to sound like he was begging. " I am going to get a different room because if I stay in the same room with you I will break you in half!" She said as she left out the door, slamming it behind her.

"Now, Puck, about you liking Weezy-," Santana said as Puck cut her off. "STOP CALLING HER THAT! GOD!" He yelled. "Her name is Mercedes Jones Evans and she is a hell of a lot more woman than you were or ever will be! I am so sick and tired of you and your bullshit, Santana! You dish it out, but can't take it! You dump and cheat and lie and be a bitch just like Quinn throughout high school. And if I learned anything is everything we deal with in high school is like a fucking blip on the radar of life! I can't even figure out why anyone would want to deal with you and Quinn and your stupid, silly, kiddie shit ways! I'm still wondering how or why is Brittany dealing with you. When she could do bad by herself. Yeah, I fucked up, I admit it. But know this, your day will come as well. I at least am owning up to my mistakes! Even if it's too late. Can you say the same! " He ended it with walking out the door and slamming it himself.

Santana stood there floored and dumbfounded as she sputtered her words out. "I-I-I don't believe him! Whatever, Puckerman! I mean- I mean did you hear him? Britt?" She asked Brittany, who finally took off her headphones and looked up at her long-time girlfriend. "Yeah, I did. And I agree. I thought that once we graduated from high school, you would grow up. Then I thought that maybe you would, once we graduate junior college. Then I thought that us living together would help you." Brittany said as she sat up and let the tears flow. "Then I thought that maybe if we come here," She sniffed as she pulled a box out of her pocket and played with it before looking up at Santana. "And have a great time. I could surprise you with this and make your permanent family and we can grow up more together."

She stood there shocked as she watched Brittany open the box and place it down. She stood up and took her card key. "I used to be a dumb, ditzy blonde back in high school. The one who believed in magic combs, Santa Claus, and that dirt was dry, black snow that didn't melt. But even I grew up and got a bit smarter than I used to be." Brittany said as she looked back down at the open box. "Until we got here and now I feel really dumb. Dumber than I ever did in high school."

Santana walked over to the bed and sat down before she picked up the box. She stared at the beautiful, gold ring with two birthstones in the middle. Hers and Brittany's. She began to shed tears of her own as she looked up to see Brittany grab a bag and head for the door. "Wait! W-where are you going, Britt?" She sobbed lightly. "I think I am going to find another room to stay for a while. You need time to think about everything, Santana. Maybe you and Quinn can get together and take notes. Goodnight." Brittany said before walking out the room.

She watched her girlfriend walk out the door, softly closing it. Santana took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger and noticed it fit perfectly. Santana began to cry harder as she curled up on the bed, hugging the pillow while staring at the ring.

Mercedes walked into the suite and placed the food on the table as Sam walked out of the bedroom , dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. "Hey, baby. That smells so good." He said as he walked up to her and slipped her arms around her waist and snuggled his face into her neck. "And so do you." He murmured as he felt her turn around in his arms and hugged him tightly.

 "Hold me, Sam." She mumbled in a sad tone. Sam grew concerned about his wife and held her tightly. " I am, sweetie." He said as she snuggled against his hard rock body. "Never let me go, promise me." She said to him. Sam exhaled as he spoke. "Never. I promise." He said as he let his eyes narrow, wondering who just pissed off his wife. Sam made a mental note to take care of it tomorrow. Tonight, he's going to take care of her.

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