Chapter 4

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"Um, this has got to be some kind of joke!" Quinn stood there as she scoffed and placed her hands upon her delicate hips. All heads turned towards her as Sam glanced at her strange. "What joke?" He asked as he kept his hands upon Mercedes' waist. Quinn stared at him like he had two heads as she stepped up towards them. "You keeping your marriage to her like it's some secret, Sam. Like its some dirty secret." She implied.

Mercedes narrowed her eyes as she tried to wiggle out of Sam's embrace. "She has a name and it's Mercedes Jones Evans." Mercedes made sure to put emphasis on her married last name for Quinn before she continued. "No hyphen. I have made maiden name my middle name, but keep it as my stage name." She stated as she couldn't believe that Quinn is acting this way. 

"Quinn, why are you acting this way?" Mercedes asked then paused to look at Sam. He saw she was calmer now and let her go. Mercedes smiled at him before turning back towards Quinn, confused at it all. "What happened to you after Beth? You got all bitchy again. Back with Finn. And you both were on and off until you saw that your plan with him wasn't what he wanted. Especially after what happened."

Quinn gasped as she narrowed her eyes at the young woman who once was her only friend and the only one who helped her and didn't judge her. "How dare you? How do you know anything?" Quinn asked in shock.  Kurt raised his hand before he spoke. "Uh, hello! She's my best friend and Finn is my step-brother. Of course, she knows." He said matter of factly. "My family was invited to their wedding. And they were invited to our civil ceremony." Kurt told her. Quinn looked to Finn as he sat there. "And when was all this, Finn?" She asked her ex. Finn just shrugged as he spoke. "It was during those times we were off. Quinn, Sam, and Mercedes are friends of the family."

"Oh, so they know that before you could even make the pros, you blew your right knee and tore your left ankle? And that you barely made it through college since you couldn't play anymore and that if it wasn't your step-dad's business you wouldn't have anything career-wise because you grew scared?" Quinn asked Finn while she walked up towards him and looked into his eyes. Finn flinched at her putting his business out there like that in front of the rest of them. Aside from her, only his family, Sam, and Mercedes knew.

Finn looked from the anger in Quinn's eyes to everyone else's eyes and watched their expressions. Most of them looked embarrassed, shocked, or surprised for him. He glanced at Rachel who kept her face neutral as she blinked some. He quickly looked away from her as he made eye contact back with Quinn. "Thanks a lot, Quinn. I knew that you could always be juvenile but the brat thing is a little young for you. I mean even my little sister doesn't act like that way you do." A few gasps were heard from some of the women sitting down. "If I wanted my secret out to everyone, I would have let the world know," Finn said getting angry. Kurt noticed a certain look in his eyes as he began to stand up.

"You like talking about private, secret issues then let's share yours." Finn began as Kurt's eyes went wide and jumped up. "Finn, no!" He said while Blaine got up with him. "No, Finn. Don't stoop to her level." He begged. "What?" Quinn asked as Finn glanced at Kurt shaking his head. "It's okay, Kurt. I know you were looking out for me." He said before he focused on Quinn. 

"That you aborted my child to make sure your career wouldn't be tarnished. That winning Miss America was more important than caring the life we created out of love." He said as the others all gasped. "And yes, this time it really was me." He told them all before he narrowed his eyes at her. "What was worse is not how I found out, which was bad. But the fact that you had a chance to tell the truth. If you didn't want to tell my family, at least tell me!"

Quinn stood there with her mouth open, "Who told you this? Kurt?" She demanded to know. "I did," Blaine said quietly. "I saw you go inside a private planned pregnancy clinic when Kurt and I were heading to the shopping district. Then I told Kurt. And Kurt let Finn know." "You bastard." She said to him as Kurt stepped up to her. "If he's a bastard, then you're a bitch, Quinn. Sue Sylvester would be so proud. Bravo!" He clapped. "You screw up and look for someone to blame."

Quinn stepped up into Kurt's face. "I suggest you-." Before she could finish her sentence, Mercedes stepped in and cut her off. "If you finish that sentence Quinn, then you can just leave. We came here to have a good time." She said before Quinn pursed her lips. "I'm not finished. Let's talk about others' secrets. Kurt, did you know that Blaine and your father were in agreement about you not having a kid?" She said as Kurt was taken aback by her comment.

"Stop lying, Quinn. That's low. Right, Blaine?" Kurt asked as he turned to look at Blaine, who had a hurt look on his face. "Who told you that?" Blaine asked. "Finn." She simply said. " And Puck, did you know that Lauren actually was dating some else the first year you both got serious, just in case she thought her options may be better with someone else?"

"What?" Lauren and Puck both said. "Where did you get that from?" Puck asked. "Lauren told Tina who told Mike, back when they still dated. And speaking of Tina and Mike. Did you know that Tina dated Mike, so she could get back at Artie for breaking her heart? And Mike only dated Tina to please his parents, because they wanted him to have an Asian girlfriend." She said as he Finn stepped up to Quinn and grabbed her wrist. "Quinn, stop this!" He pleaded. 

"No, why should I?" Quinn said with anger in her tone and a look of hate in her eyes. "Let's see. Who else? Oh, yeah. Santana, Puck never thought of you as his girlfriend. More like his fuck friend." "What!" Santana said, jumping up. "Between you and Brittany screwing almost every guy in McKinley, you were the school whores. I may have cheated on both my boyfriends back in high school, but at least I didn't sleep with the entire school. And Brittany, staying with Artie when you were in love with Santana until he broke up with you, was so sad. But Artie was only using you to make Tina jealous, too bad he actually fell in love with you until he caught you and Santana kissing and making out, just like you would make out with him." Quinn continued.

She watched Mr. Shuester stand up and walk up to her. "Okay, Quinn. This is getting out of hand. Now, calm down and have a drink of water." He said as he signaled for a waiter. "Oh, Mr. Shue! " Quinn got a crazy woman smile upon her lips. "Too bad she isn't here. The former Ms. Pillsbury is still in love with you to this day. Poor Carl was and always will be second place to you. She settled." She announced, sending her fellow glee-mates' mouths dropping even further. 

"Rachel. Rachel. Do you know that when you kissed Blaine, Kurt wanted to rip the hair out your head and kick your ass? And even though we have both had it out over Finn, there is someone else in his heart. Yes, besides us. Mrs. Mercedes Jones Evans." She sneered, causing everyone's eyes to go wide, especially Mercedes.

The waiter came over with their drinks as Quinn skipped the water and took several shots back to back before continuing. "Yup. But wait," She paused as the liquor started to take effect. "Lauren, Santana this concerns you. Puck still has feelings for Mrs. Evans as well. Even after she broke up with him and quit the Cheerios. Santana, you were half of what he wanted and Lauren, you were the other half and they make up her." Quinn pointed at Mercedes.

"Sam, I can see before me the hate that Finn and Puck have for you." She smirked. "No, Quinn, that is all for you." He stated. "Maybe some. But it's mostly for you. Mr. NFL quarterback, multi-million dollar contract, about to play in the play-offs. That hate is for you. And the icing you taunt on the cake is that we now learn you are married to the woman they secretly still want."

Mercedes shook her head sadly at Quinn as she took a deeper look at her former friend. "And Mercedes, just know how much Rachel can't stand you even now. Everyone propped her up and kept your grounded. Thought that she was going to be the superstar. Well, she is in her own right, but not at the level you are. But she feels she earned the right to be where you are. " Quinn finished talking before she watched Mercedes glance at Rachel. 

Quinn smirked at the fact her work is done. " My work is done here. Goodnight, everyone. Have fun." With that Quinn walked off, heading to her room. Then the rest followed, leaving Finn, Rachel, Puck, Mercedes, and Sam.

"Mercedes." Rachel began before Mercedes shook her head. Rachel closed her mouth and looked from her to Finn before leaving. "Mercedes." Finn and Puck both spoke softly as they stepped up some. Sam just took his wife's hand and stepped back. "To quote my wife, 'Hell to the no.' Come on, Diva." Sam spoke lovingly as he cut his former friends a look. Finn and Puck stood there and exhaled a deep breath and realized it was going to be a long week.

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