Chapter 17

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"No, comment." Sam said as he was on the phone in his bedroom. "No, comment." He repeated as he walked the room. "Look, there's no comment about the our plays for the Superbowl. If you need to know anything, please talk to our head coach. Okay, goodbye." He hung up as he got ready for the next phone interview. 

He heard the phone ring and answered it, putting up to his ear. "Yes, hello. A rumor about what?" He paused as he smiled at the question he was asked. "Who told you that?" He asked as he listened. "Oh, you saw me walk up to her. Well, she's more than a close friend. She's my wife. And you can quote me on that." He said before sitting down.

Everyone was partying about the house over Sam and his team's win. Quinn continued to pout while walking around the place before making her way near the master bedroom. She quietly opened the door to listen to Sam's conversation. "Yes, that girl was someone I knew a long time ago.  She and I parted ways when I wasn't what she wanted or needed at the time. Well, Mercedes and I bonded deeper, dated, fell in love and I haven't look back. She makes life worth living." Quinn rolled her eyes before she softly shut the door back. "You just can't take no for a hint, can you?" A voice whispered in her ear.

Quinn jumped some and turned to face Mercedes giving her a hard stare. "Mercedes." She spoke, clearing her throat. "I didn't hear you come up." "I know. You were too busy being nosy. Minding my husband's business in our bedroom." Mercedes said as she watched Quinn move away from the door and head down the hallway backward. "I was wondering where he was." Quinn lied. 

"Right. Like you didn't hear him tell everyone he would busy for awhile doing phone interviews." Mercedes stated narrowing her eyes, growing angry. "You know, Quinn, I have been on my best behavior this entire week when it comes to you. Not once I let you truly know how I felt about your dirty, underhanded ways." She said calmly as she took  Quinn outside in the backyard. "What happened to my friend a long time ago? I miss her. You, I can do without. You are no longer invited to our home ever. You lost whatever invite you had when you started that mess back at the beginning of the  reunion."

"So, it's like that, Mercedes?" Quinn asked. "Yes, it is." Mercedes stated. "Well, why don't you let me really have it then. Tell me off, scream. Whatever gets it off your chest." Quinn told her. Mercedes stared at her former friend feeling the heat rise off her body. "I was trying to be the better person through all this. Not just for our friends and my family. But for Sam. Hell, even you." Mercedes told Quinn. "I feel sorry for you. What twisted thoughts are running through your head to make you act like this? You screwed up with Finn. Then you screwed up with Sam. Then you screwed up with Finn again. And for some reason you blame me." Quinn watched  Mercedes fight her emotions and not yell at her. She didn't care that Mercedes wanted to be the better person and remain calm.  Quinn was angry that her life didn't go as planned. Whatever her plan was, it wasn't where her life should've been.

"Yes, I do! " Quinn yelled to Mercedes. "Sam's supposed to be my husband! This is supposed to be my life! I'm supposed to be the footballer's wife. I'm supposed to have beautiful houses, cars, and luxury! Not you! You were supposed to be with the rest of the losers at the bottom of high school's totem pole."

Quinn watched Mercedes' hand go into a fist and fly across her face. She fell back towards the pool. "Ahhh!" Quinn screamed before hitting the water then going under. Mercedes stood there while everyone rushed to the backyard. "What happened?" Finn asked as he stood by Mercedes' side. "I finally had enough of Quinn's bull!" She told no one in particular before screaming at Quinn. "Get your crap and get the hell out of my house and off my property! Now!" 

Sam glanced out his bedroom window and noticed everyone outside. He then saw that  Quinn fully dressed in his pool and Mercedes with her hell to the no-look on her face. He ended the last interview quickly before rushing out of the room and outside to the backyard. "Diva, are you okay?" He asked his wife, noticing her hand bruised. "Sam! What about me?" Quinn cried while trying to get out of the water with the help of Rachel and Holly.

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