Chapter 7

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Sam and Mercedes finished eating as she explained what happened to her when she ran into Finn. By the time they both were relaxing in the jacuzzi shaped tub, she felt much better. "Baby, you didn't have to get in with me." Mercedes sighed as she felt Sam ease her back into his muscular chest. "I didn't mind, Mercedes. Besides the fact that I am super clean now, I also get to spend some time with my wife." He muttered as he leaned in and kissed her on her neck. Mercedes giggled as she knew what he was up to. 

"Thank you." She softly said. "For what?" He spoke against her skin as he looked up at the side of her face. "For distracting me from all the drama that happened today." He smiled as he maneuvered around so he could turn her to face him. " Anytime. It's what husbands do." He smiled at her. Mercedes stared at his lips as she traced them with her index finger. Sam chuckled and spoke against her fingers.

"I'm surprised no one made fun of my lips. No 'trouty mouth'. No joker smiling." He admitted as he watched Mercedes frown and adjusted her legs, so they wrapped around him in warm bubbly water. Sam adjusted more as he made sure she sat completely on his lap, so his cock was in between her thick thighs. 

"Sam, they better not make fun of your lips." She said as she focused on them. "These lips are the best in the world. They talk sexy. They kiss wonderfully. They sing beautifully. And they tell me they love me, every day." She sighed as she teared up. "You have the juiciest, sexiest, orgasmic lips I have ever known." Sam arched a brow as he reached underwater with his right hand to slip his cock inside of her. "What do you mean, 'that you have ever known?' Baby, I am the only one you've ever been with. And that you ever will." He reminded her as he began to move her up and down on his lap.

Mercedes arched her chest upwards against his as she threw her head back. Her pinned-up hair, bobbed some as she began to moan. "Now, do you take back what you said?" Sam smirked as he began to grunt. "Take what back?" She said with her eyelids heavy as she was enjoying the feel of him inside of her. "What you said, Diva. About the best, you've had. What you meant was the one and only love of your life. No one can ever take my place."

"Ooooo. What you said, baby. What you said." She muttered in ecstasy. "Naw, baby. Say it." He said as he paused from that final thrust. Mercedes looked back at Sam. "Sam!" She said as she watched him smile. "What are you think you are doing?" She rolled her neck at him playfully. "Waiting for you to say it." He told her. "But baby! We were almost finished!" She said as he shook his head. "Not until you tell me what I want to hear. And you gotta mean it, Cedes."

Mercedes softly huffed as she smirked at him while rolling her eyes slightly. "Okay. Okay. I meant to say that you are the only one for me. Never has there been anyone else and never will there be anyone else. I love only you. I am in love with only you. My blonde, tanned, chiseled, demi-God !" She said in a mock bow before looking up at him. Sam looked at her as he began to snicker. His snickers turned into loud laughter as Mercedes joined in.

"That was terrific, baby. A plus in originality." Sam said clapping. "So, can I get my groove back on?" She asked him. Sam answered her by flipping her underneath him as the temperature in the water was still perfect. "I think that we can both get our grooves on, Mrs. Evans." He said as they continued to make love in the tub before finally reaching their climax.

Blaine opened his eyes as the sun shone through the room he and Kurt stayed in. He was so glad the night was over and a new day began. Kurt remained very quiet last night as Blaine tried to talk to him from the moment they left everyone downstairs. But all Kurt did was call his parents to say goodnight to their daughter. When Burt tried to talk to him, Kurt handed Blaine the phone. He had to explain to his father-in-law the disaster which was Quinn Fabray, telling something she shouldn't have told in public.

Blaine was determined to talk to the man he loves and tell him why he and his father both agreed years ago that they shouldn't adopt a child and what made him decide to. And how it was the best decision he ever made. Kurt quietly got up and went about the room getting his things ready to take a shower. "Morning, Kurt." Blaine as he sat up. Kurt ignored him as he continued moving about. Getting tired of the silent treatment, Blaine got up and grabbed Kurt by the arm and turned him around. "Kurt talk to me! Please!" Blaine pleaded.

Kurt looks off as he continued his silent treatment before Blaine turned his face towards him. "Look, dammit! I thought that adopting a baby or a child wasn't right for us because of how hard it was for us when we were teens. We were gay with straight parents and how we were bullied. And to bring a child in our world was selfish and stupid and dangerous. And Burt agreed. Until Belle was born and how when you and I were out with her and spent time with her, we both started to see that maybe we were wrong." Blaine sighed before he continued. 

"One day your little sister was with me and your dad, getting stuff for Christmas when she wanted to sit on Santa's lap. Your dad took her up there and when Santa asked her what she wanted, she said that she wished that her big brother, Kurt and his boyfriend got married and had a little girl. That way she wouldn't be the only little girl in the family, but also that way we could be as happy as her daddy and mommy." Blaine sniffed back some tears.

Kurt slowly focused on Blaine's face as he listened. "When we got in the car, I told her that maybe it wouldn't be a good idea if you and I had a little girl of our own. Because kids tease and she could get hurt. Belle told me that she would teach her how to be strong and let people know that she loves her family and her family loves her. And that is all that matters. Who cares what people say that isn't our family. Burt and I shared a look that said that was one smart kid. And I made sure for your birthday we started the adoption proceedings. And OUR daughter is one of the greatest loves of my life. And you are the other." Blaine said as he closed in and slipped his arms around Kurt's waist. 

" I love you, Kurt. I love Melody and our family. You all complete me. I was wrong to think that so long ago, but I am glad I was. Because we wouldn't have a daughter and I wouldn't have you, Burt, Carol, Finn, and Belle. And Quinn was a bitch to start up some mess because her life wasn't going right. Please forgive me and your dad for not talking about this with you."

Kurt exhaled before he cleared his throat. "I do. I forgive you. If you forgive me for being so mad." He said as he Blaine smiled. "Of course. I love you." "I love you too," Kurt said before they kissed a make-up kiss before parting to get ready for the day.

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