Chapter 11

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The next morning, Mercedes was up early since she couldn't sleep. She got dressed in her chocolate brown two-piece goddess skirtini swimsuit and Chocolate brown suede high heel Jimmy Choo sandals. She glanced at the king-sized bed that she and Sam shared since they arrived. She started to feel sad, as it just reminded her that he was gone. 

Mercedes grabbed her hair and put her up in a ponytail before wrapping it in a bun. Her eyes darted every now and then at her smartphone. It remained quiet causing her to sigh. She slipped on her chocolate brown terry cloth robe before grabbing it and her towel. She slipped the items into her swim bag along with some other things before getting her key card and heading out.

It was so peaceful and lonely as she walked onto the elevator and pressed for the first floor. She slipped on her shades as she leaned back against the elevator wall. By the time the elevator was on the first floor, her phone rang. Perking up, Mercedes quickly reached in her bag and answered it without seeing who it was. "Sam?" She asked before her smile fell when she heard it wasn't him. "Oh. Hello. Really? Okay, thank you for telling me. And can you tell him good luck? I will be watching the game. I promise." She said walking off the elevator. "Yes, I will keep my phone on. Thank you. Goodbye."  Mercedes hung up and slipped the phone back in her purse.

Mercedes headed for the breakfast buffet to grab something to eat before heading to the indoor pool. Her eyes watered up knowing she didn't want to be here without him. Not around people who now hated her, were jealous of her, or acted strange around her. Hard to believe these were the same people that she would have called a friend of once upon a time. Now, life, it seems has filled them with regret or made them bitter.

There was enough going on in her life that was wonderful. She didn't need this drama raining on her parade, so to speak. Mercedes sat down and began to eat some before she got bored and moved onto reading a romance novel.

An hour later, she was deep into the book when she heard someone walk in. "Mercedes? Here you are!" Blaine said before he sat across from her. Mercedes finally smiled, looking up to see one of her favorite people. "How are you, sweetie?" He asked leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Not so good." She told him and sighed before putting her book down on her lap. "Why not? And where's Sam?" He asked. 

"That's why." She told him before she noticed Kurt and the rest of the former glee club come in. "He had to leave because the play offs will be this week." She whispered to him. " Ahh. Well, just tell me when and I will tune in." He smiled at her before leaning back to finish the food she set aside. "I will." She said as Kurt sat next to Blaine, while Quinn was close behind.

"Well, good morning Mercedes Jones," Quinn said with a fake smile while looking between them. "Hello, Quinn." Mercedes said behind her shades as she sat there. "Where's Sam?" Quinn asked as she noticed he wasn't there. "He's not here. He left-." Mercedes said as Quinn cut her off. "You? He came to his senses and realized that you were never the one for him? That he should have looked else where for someone to come up with him?"

Blaine and Kurt looked at her with shocked looks upon their faces as Mercedes lowered her glasses some to let Quinn look her directly in the eyes. "No. Not that it's really any of your damned business, Quinn, but he had to go to work." She stated. "The play offs are this week. They are moving it up for business reasons. So, my man will be on tv this week and then he'll be back to me before the super bowl. Which he will make as well." 

Kurt stood up and faced Quinn as she stood in a two piece red bikini and matching heels. "Quinn, why are you being such a bitch?" "Kurt, need I remind you of -." She said before he cut her off. "You can quit it, Quinn. Blaine and I had a long talk after the shit you pulled. And we are stronger than ever. And you need to cut it out with Mercedes." He closed the distance between them.

"You had your shot with Sam back in high school and dropped him for a rebound go with my step-brother. And when that didn't work for you, you grew bitter over it and wallowed in failed dreams. Even though you've had great successes just like all of us in our own ways. So, step back and let it all go." He said as he crossed his arms and waited for her to speak.

Quinn narrowed her eyes and was about to speak when Mercedes' phone rang.  She quickly answered again hoping it was him. "Hello? Sam! Baby!" She beamed softly into the phone causing Kurt to turn his head, blocking Quinn's view. "Yeah. I missed you too. Great! It will be on Friday? Okay. I'll see you on tv. Good luck, baby. I love you, too. Bye." She said with a satisfied smile before hanging up. "Well, when is the game?" Blaine asked. "Friday," Mercedes repeated. "I'm going to watch it in the room and silently cheer him on." She said with a bittersweet smile.

"No, you won't!" Kurt said as he went to her and took her hand. "Dad, Blaine, and Finn are big football fans and want to see the play offs also. In fact, I will go talk to Mr. Shue and see if we can change our singing to Saturday. And Friday, we can make a big football party at my dad's in his sports room the family had done for his birthday last year." He grinned as she took off her shades to show how happy she was. "Really?" She asked him with hope.  "Yeah, we will! Let me call dad, after I go over to Mr. Shue." Kurt said before remembering his talk with Quinn. "Quinn. Remember what I said? Okay?" Quinn was deep in thought as she gave a slow nod. "Yeah. Yeah. I will." She said as she walked away from him.

Kurt hoped she really listened to him and would heed his advice. He went over to Mr. Shue as Quinn headed to the elevator. She stepped on with a smile as she wondered to herself , how much should she pack to go to Florida.

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