Chapter 22

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Everyone began to eat when Finn hurried to Rachel as he tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, Rachel. Hi, Jesse." He said to them causing them to turn around to look at him. "Rachel, can we talk for a minute?" He asked her while glancing from Jesse to her. Rachel looked up at Jesse, who smiled at her. "I'll go get something to eat. See you in a few, Rachel. Nice to see you again, Finn." He said as he confidently walked away. 

"Yes, Finn?" She asked as he grabbed her hand, leading her out the front door to talk in private. "What are you doing, Rachel?" Finn asked her as he narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean? I  invited Jesse." Rachel explained as he was taken aback. "Are you kidding! Without permission?" Finn said, surprised. "I'm sure Sam and Cedes are shocked to know that."

Rachel cut him a look and spoke. "First of all, they know. Mercedes, gave me his number after she told me he wanted to see me. Second, he was invited to the reunion. Just like Blaine, he went to our school once you know. But he was busy working and couldn't take off until now." 

Finn dropped his hands at his sides as he huffed a breath. "But why is he here now? And what about you and me and our talk?" He asked her.  Rachel narrowed her eyes up at him. "Because I wanted him to be here. Because we needed to talk. And back at the hotel you and I  did talk, remember? You told me honestly what was going on inside of you. How you felt about Mercedes and me." She reminded Finn of their first talk at the hotel. "I was going to still give you a chance until I kept noticing that faraway look you would get when you looked at Mercedes."

Finn looked at her, trying to keep a blank expression while she continued. "Especially when you thought no one was looking. One you used to give me. Well, considering what you said back in the elevator, it was the look you would give us both."  Rachel said before shaking her head. "I made my choice after talking to you, then Mercedes, then Jesse. And I chose him. Goodbye, Finn." She told him before she started to walk away.

"Rachel, wait." He called to her. She turned around and looked at him. "This is it? It's final?" Finn asked. Without thinking, Rachel nodded before she turned back to join the rest of the group. Finn stood there a bit longer before going to the room he was staying in. He grabs his things and knew he didn't want to stay one more minute.

Rachel joined Jesse and the rest of the gang while they all ate and talked one more time. The room was full of positive energy and felt like they could stay that way forever. The way it should have been at the beginning of the reunion. Melody started to cry as Burt held her. "What's wrong, my sweet Melody?" Mercedes asked the baby. "Uh, oh," Burt spoke then smiled. "Someone's wet. Grandpa will change you." He said holding on to her before going to change her. He walked down the hall and met Finn walking down with his bags towards him. "Finn? Son, you're leaving now?" He asked while gently rocked his granddaughter. "Yeah, dad. I gotta get out of here." Finn said barely looking at him.

"Is this about Rachel and Mercedes?" He asked bluntly. Finn glanced at him and held a look of surprise at him. "How did-?"Finn started to say. "How did I know?" Burt asked."You and Rachel have been doing this dance for so long. It was just like when you and Quinn were together. Same dance, different music. And there's Mercedes, I saw how you were when she and Sam announced their wedding to us and I swore your heart took a deep dive. Son, you've had plenty of chances with these three young women. You wanted them all in some way or form. And you didn't want to share." Burt told his step-son.  

"The only reason you didn't want Quinn anymore was that she wasn't invested in how your life turned out after high school. So, you held out hope for Rachel and Mercedes. Then it was found out that Mercedes and Sam were secretly dating and then they got married graduated from college. She went on to have that great career she's been dreaming of and he went on to the pros. And Rachel went on to her dreams. While you were still in Lima helping me turn my one shop into a successful business chain." Burt continued to kindly lecture Finn. "But it wasn't what you wanted. Or more like who you wanted. And for some reason, when Quinn spilled all your secret thoughts and feelings you were the only one who felt free. Like it would make her see the light and leave Sam for you."

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