Chapter 20

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After dinner, everyone was lounging around talking and having a good time. Sam watched Finn and Puck on opposite ends of the room looking lost. Sam silently gained their attention and had them follow him down the hall and into his office he shared with Mercedes. They stepped into the huge room and waited for him to close the door. Sam turned around to see them standing there, waiting for whatever comes their way. "So, what's this about Sam?" Finn asked as he stuck his hands into his pockets. "I want us to clear the air about my wife," Sam said as folded his arm over his chest, letting his muscles flex. "What about her?" Puck added as he did the same stance as Sam, flexing his own.

"You both have talked to her and let your feelings be known." He stated as he stared them down. "Look, Sam, Cede-Mercedes let me know that I was too late and it's my own damn fault. And she was right." Finn sighed as he rubbed the tip of his nose as he continued. "And I got slapped for it." Sam narrowed his eyes as he focused on the two of them. "Well, Noah? What do you have to say?" He asked Puck. "I-I'm sorry for causing her stress. And I guess I should have said something back then." Puck admitted as he ran his hand over his shaved head.

"I don't know what else to say and do. I will make it up to you both." Finn added. "Yeah, me too." Puck chimed in. Sam shook his head at the two guys as he exhaled a breath. "There isn't anything you can do but move the hell on. Finn, I know you got slapped. My wife tells me everything. We're that close. And yes, you were both right. You have fucked up timing and you both lost out. But Puck, I will thank you and Finn. " Sam told them. "Thanks for tossing her away like whatever. Because at the right time and place for us both, I stepped in and became it for her. And she's everything to me. So, I suggest Puckerman that you realize what a great woman you can still have before she's gone too." Sam said as he looked at Finn. "And Finn take a good look at your life and what you really want. But just make sure that they want you too."

They both nodded and started to walk away as Sam looked off for a minute. "Oh, guys?" He called to them. "Yeah?" Puckerman said as he turned to be greeted with Sam's fist. Finn looked in shock at Puck as he went down. "Ugh!" Puck groaned. "What in the hell?" Finn said looking up and meeting Sam's fist as well as he stumbled back into the wall. "Just because this is all said and done and my wife is okay, doesn't mean I really was. But now I am." Sam told them. 

"What in the hell was that for?" Finn asked. "Because you two cockblockers, along with Quinn, fucked a great week for me with my wife. That was payback. If you know what's good for you, you both will move the hell on and find someone to make your forget MY WIFE!" Sam said with anger before going to the door to open it for them. "If you both have a problem with how to handle this, I can make it really easy and make sure we cut ties with you both. Understand?" He eyed them both. "Understood." Puck said as he worked his jaw slowly. "Yeah, understood." Finn agreed as he held his face while they walked out of the room with a clearer understanding.

Lauren, Brittany, and Tina were out near the pool as they sipped on their alcoholic drinks. Mercedes walked out to where they were sitting and joined their discussion. "Cedes!" They all cheered to her as she sat down next to Brittany. "Ladies, what is going on here?" She asked as she looked around at them. "We're just talking about how this week sucked thanks to Quinn and also thanks to all the secrets that were kept," Tina stated. "Like, how you and Artie wasted all that time apart. You ended up falling for other people who also wanted other things as well." Mercedes said as she glanced at Tina and Brittany. 

"Mike was with you to please his parents and you were hurting from Artie." She said turning towards Brittany. "And you were with Artie mainly because you were confused about your feelings for Santana. Santana was afraid to be her true self. Which was to be in love with you and you in love with her. You fell in love with Artie as well as he fell for you."  Mercedes said, reminding them all.

"What about me? My man was hung up over you. He went from Santana to me to compensate for you." Lauren said. Mercedes sighed as she reached over and placed her hand over Lauren's. "Well, I will say this about Puck." Mercedes paused in thought before speaking. "He loves you. But like Quinn and Finn, he noticed I am not the same person they assumed I was back in high school. That my wonderful husband brought me from inside of myself. The question is do you want to walk away from what you all worked so hard for? Or do you want to fight for your love? The guys and girl that make your days complete."

They each looked at Mercedes as smiles slowly spread to their faces. "I think I'm going to find Artie," Tina said as she got up. "I need to talk to Santana," Brittany said as she followed Tina. "And I need to go talk to Puckerman," Lauren stated as she paused to speak to Mercedes. "Thanks, Mercedes." "Yeah, thanks, Mercedes." Tina and Brittany repeated before they all headed inside.

Mercedes smiled to herself and sighed softly before looking out to the pool water. "Diva?" Sam whispered to her as he let the back of his right hand gently move across her cheek. "Yes, baby?" She replied, feeling his hand move down towards hers. Mercedes looked up to see her husband pull her up from her seat and into her arms. "It's getting late, Mercy. Come on let's go to bed." Sam told her as they walked from the pool area to the inside of the house. "But I'm not sleepy, Sammy." She said as she waited for him to lock up. Sam turned to her as he arched a brow. "I never said we were going to sleep, baby. I said come to bed." He said, causing her to smirk when he took her hands while walking backward. "Oh. I see." She softly said heading to their bedroom. "Not yet, but you will." He told her as they walked inside their bedroom. Mercedes giggled at his words before she closed the door and clicked the lock on the doorknob.

Sam and Mercedes stripped out their clothes and climbed into the bed before they began to make love. While they lost themselves in each other, Sam's thoughts went to a little girl or boy that was created out of their love. And tonight, he planned on making sure they were on their way to working on that dream.

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