Chapter 16

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It was the last four minutes of the game as everyone on the field and in the stands felt the excitement building. This was one game that no one sat down for. Everyone was on their feet and each minute didn't disappoint. When he had a free moment to breathe, Sam would look to see Mercedes cheering them on. Those who were in the seats with Mercedes switched with those in the box seats. Now Stevie, Stacy, Cynthia, Roger, Jeff, Quinn, and the glee gang were down watching from the sidelines. He saw Quinn, the Hummels, and the Hummel-Andersons were back with Mercedes also.

He exhaled while the Dolphins' head coach called a time out. The team huddled up before the coach looked to Sam. "Remember Evans, you make this play we head to the SuperBowl in January.  Then we can all have a great Christmas." The head coach said. "Okay, coach," Sam said before they went over it one more time. "I'm so nervous, Mercy!" Cynthia stated as she held onto her daughter's arm. "Me too, mama. But I have faith in Sam. He will make us all so proud." She told her mom, secretly feeling anxious inside.

The huddle broke up as the clock started back before Sam and his team got in position. Sam headed back some behind the Chargers. He saw that his teammate noticed he was ready and did a sike out pass before zeroing in on Sam. He tossed the pigskin into the air before the Chargers team tried to back and head towards him. Sam caught the ball, causing a roaring cheer from the stands as he gripped the ball for dear life. "Go, Sam! Go, Sam!" His family and friends screamed and cheered. Finn saw the looks on Rachel's and Quinn's faces before he glanced at Mercedes. He noticed everyone else's faces around him before he joined in to cheer.

Sam could feel a couple of the Chargers' guys on his heels. He began to run faster seeing the goal line in his sight. He jumped over a few guys who tried to charge in front of him right before he felt his feet hit the line. "And it's a TOUCHDOWN!" Sam heard the announcer scream into the microphone, blasting out of the stadium's speakers. "The Miami Dolphins are going to the Super Bowl! Again, THE DOLPHINS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!" He repeated. Once he passed the goalposts, Sam finally stopped running to hold the ball up, before taking off his helmet. He turned around to see everyone cheering as his teammates were running up to him. They lifted him on their shoulders and carried him back to their head coach. Cameras everywhere started snapping photos while Sam was set down on his feet. He looked into the stands as his team tossed Gatorade on their coach.

Sports reporters began to interview the coach and all the players before a few went after Sam to get a statement. "Sam! Sam!" They called after him when he saw the one person he wanted to talk to. Everyone watched him walk over to look up at Mercedes. "You actually came." He told her, smiling. "Of course." She replied and smiled back. "I wasn't going to miss this for nothing in the world." " I lo-." He began when reporters came up behind him. 

"Sam! Sam, a few words." They spoke in unison with their electronic and technological devices pointed out towards him. Sam paused to glance at them before he looked back at Mercedes. She bent down some and whispered to him. "This is your time now, baby. Go ahead. You earned this.  We'll see each other later. I'll be in the skybox with our friends and family, celebrating." Sam bittersweetly watched her leave with the others before he put a smile on his lips and turned around for the cameras.

"Whooo! The SuperBowl!" Roger, Burt, and Will cheered as they poured champagne. "I gotta get some tickets to see it live," Will said before he and Holly sipped their drinks. "Don't worry. Sam will get tickets for anyone who wants to go." Mercedes stated while sitting down facing the skybox window. "Well, here's a piece of paper and pen people." Puck said, writing his name down. "I definitely want to go." "Me too." Brittany and Santana spoke up together and signed the paper. "Pass that paper over here," Mike stated. "I'm next," Will said. Everyone but Quinn signed it as she sat in the corner staring at Mercedes. She was green with envy as she couldn't get over the fact that all this could have been hers. And she stupidly let it slip through her fingers.

By the time the last bit of alcohol and food was gone, it was time to go. "Cedes, it's time to go," Artie said after he Tina came back to get her. "You all go ahead. My parents have a key." Mercedes softly told them. "Okay, Mercedes," Tina said as they watched her still sitting there continuing to look out the window. Tina and Artie shrugged went into one elevator as the other opened up. Someone walked inside the skybox to find her still sitting there, deep in thought. She didn't hear the person come up behind her and reached out to touch her cheek. Mercedes jumped from the touch then turned to see who it was. "Hi." He said, helping her up.

"Sam. Hi." She softly said with love in her eyes. "Why didn't you leave with everyone?" He asked her. "I was waiting for you." She told him. "Good. Because there is something I want to finish saying to you before those reporters interrupted." He told her pulling her closer. "I love you so much, Diva." He said before kissing her deeply. Sam let his hands roam all over her body before he sighed against her lips. "I've missed you," Sam told her as they broke apart. "It's only been one day, baby." She reminded him then laughed. "Well, that was a rough one day. Especially with Quinn showing up out of the blue. Thank goodness, Cynthia, Jeff, and Roger came." He told her as they walked out of the room and onto the elevator.

"Yes, it was a good thing they came." Mercedes agreed. The elevator stopped at the bottom level then opened up before they walked out and into the practically empty building. They were walking together,  with Sam's duffel bag in one hand and her hand in his other. A group of Sam's teammates walking out dressed with their duffel bags also. "Hey, Sam! Great game!" Tim, a linebacker, said. "Yeah, man. It was." Sam said as another teammate, Scott, noticed Mercedes. 

"Hey, aren't you Mercedes Jones!" He asked her, stepping up to her. Mercedes was taken back at being recognized by Sam's teammate. She glanced up at Sam, still in shock. "Yes. Yes, I am." She said when Tim took her hands to shake them. "My wife and I are big fans! and can't wait until your new album comes out," Scott admitted. "Really? Thank you. I have copies at home I can autograph for you and your wives." She said, touched at the fact she has AFC champions that were fans.  "Really?" Tim asked, happily. "Sure! I'll make sure Sam will give them to you." Mercedes replied with joy. "Oh, okay. Cool. You and Sam pretty tight?" Scott asked her. "Very tight. So tight, I room with him." Mercedes jokingly told them.

They all looked at her in surprise causing Sam to laugh. "She's pulling your legs," Sam told them. "Guys, meet my wife. Love of my life, Mrs. Mercedes Jones Evans. Diva, these, of course, are some of my teammates." Sam introduced all of them to Mercedes before they made some small talk then headed off to their separate ways. "Can we go home now, Diva?" Sam asked with a yawn. Mercedes leaned into him while they headed for the hummer limo. "I thought you would never ask." She said feeling tired also.

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