Chapter 3

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( Lima, Ohio- Best Western Hotel)

They arrived at the Best Western and saw how grand it was and how Lima had changed in the five years it had been since they had graduated. "Wow, can you believe it, Cedes? Old Lima has finally come into the 21 century. And for the better." He smiled and parked the car before he popped the trunk. " Yeah, I just wonder how much has it changed." Mercedes stated before they got out of the car.  She began to worry while turning to face him. "Don't worry about that." He said as he stepped up to her and slipped his arms around her curvy waist. "Let's try to have fun this week, okay?" He encouraged.

Mercedes looked away while she felt his right hand unwrap from around her and move up to her chin. He made her look up at him as he smiled. "Who's my Diva?" He coaxed. "I am." She replied while she fought a smile upon her lips. "That's my girl. Now, why don't you check us in and then we can relax, before everyone else gets here." He told her. "Okay." She said as began to walk off. She paused in mid-step before turning back to see him notice they brought an awful lot of luggage. "Baby?" She called to him, causing him to look up at her.

"Yeah?" He asked. "I love you." Mercedes simply said. He gave her a cheesy grin before he spoke up. "I love you, too." He watched her sexily walk into the entrance of the hotel before he closed the doors and trunk. He decided that he needed a luggage dolly to carry all this to their floor.

Mercedes walked to the front desk and flashed a smile. Before she could speak, the Front Desk Attendant's mouth drop. "Oh. My. Goodness! You're Mercedes Jones!" She screamed. Mercedes gave a light laugh as she nodded. "Yes, I am. I am here for the first annual Gleeful Reunion. I need to check-in." She announced before she watched the attendant clear her throat and began to type. "Yes, the presidential suite. Here are your room keys."

"Thank you." She said before the attendant stopped her. "Um, Ms. Jones, may I have your autograph?" She asked Mercedes. Mercedes smiled and signed the autograph for the young woman She also took a picture with her before heading off towards the elevator.

Noah Puckerman , aka Puck, was walking towards the entrance when he bumped into a blonde-haired guy who was walking into the entrance as well. "Sorry." Puck said as the guy spoke. " My bad." The blonde guy said as they both looked at one another before they spoke. " Sam?" Puck grinned. "Puckerman!" Sam said as he and Puck both gave each other dap. "Can you believe we are about to catch up with everyone?" Sam said as he and Puck began to continue walking inside.

"That's if anyone shows up. I think so far it's just us." Puck said as the walked up to the front desk when a voice from behind them spoke. "Do my eyes deceive me? Puck and Sam?" Both men turned to see Quinn Fabray standing there in all her beauty queen glory. "Quinn!" They both smiled before each giving her a hug. They separated as they heard more voices from behind. "Melody, sweetie, calm down. You're too excited." Kurt Hummel-Anderson said to his ten-month-old daughter, who was squirming in his arms. Right next to him was Blaine Hummel-Anderson with their luggage.

Also with them was Burt Hummel, his wife, Carol Hummel, and their other son, Finn Hudson and their only daughter, Belle Hummel. "Aww, what's wrong Melody?" Finn said as he took his only niece from his step-brother's arms. The baby continued to giggle and laugh and squirm with delight. Finn kissed the baby on the cheek and saw it caused her to laugh harder. The family laughed at the sight as he handed her to his mom. "That's right, little Melody. You will have lots of fun with Grandpa, and Grandma, and Auntie Belle. Mama, remember that I will sing for them this week." Belle reminded her mom and dad. "Bella," Burt said as he gave his daughter a side hug. " We won't forget." "Forget what?" A voice said, causing them to turn. "Rachel!" Kurt smiled as he went up to his friend for a hug.

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