Chapter 18

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As promised, Rachel brought Quinn her clothes before Finn, Puck, and Santana walked her outside where Cynthia was waiting in Sam's truck. "Get in." She stated. "What?" Quinn said surprised. "I said, get in. I am going to make sure you don't try any more tricks, Quinn Frabay." Cynthia said as she opened the door. "Get in, now." Quinn just looked at Puck, Finn, and Santana before Cynthia looked towards Finn. "Finn, please put her bags in the bed. Thank you." Finn with the help of Puck, placed Quinn's bags in the bed of the truck as Quinn got inside the front passenger side. She buckled up and looked out the window at her three estranged friends while Cynthia Jones put the truck in drive, then backed out the driveway.

It was a quiet ride all the way to the airport before Cynthia parked the truck in the loading zone. She went to get a luggage dolly and quietly began to load Quinn's bags before Quinn got out and quietly helped. Cynthia helped her inside, got her ticket and had her luggage sent back to be boarded soon. "Stay here," Cynthia told her before she left Quinn nearby some seats to go park the truck in the parking lot. Quinn sighed sitting down, wondering why Cynthia was staying with her and what she has to say.

Stacy and Stevie stood outside Sam and Mercedes' bedroom while they debated with each other on what to do. "I don't know Steve," Stacy said with worry. "They have so much going on. All that drama with Quinn. Sammy's going to away to the Superbowl in Vegas in January. And we don't know if Mercy has any more tours coming up." "But, Stace." Stevie began and sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "I hate that school and so do you. And I miss our family. I miss Sammy and Mercy. Since mom and dad died, they are all we have." Stacy fidgeted about while continuing to whisper.

 "But we did want to go to that school, Steve." She reminded him. "I know." He admitted. "That was only because we thought they needed to let them be a new married couple first. But I want to be around family." He fought the tears filling his eyes. "We're  fourteen and I want a normal family life." He said loudly as Sam opened the door to see his sister and brother standing there.

"Stevie? Stacy? What's wrong?" He asked as he let them in. The teens walked in to see Mercedes sitting at the top of the bed as Sam at the end. "Cedes told me you two needed to talk to me." He said as he watched the kids look at one another before glancing back at them. "We don't want to go private school anymore." They said together.

Cynthia was sitting back with Quinn as they waited for her flight to be called. "So, why are you waiting with me? You've been sitting here with me for the last fifteen minutes and haven't said one word." Quinn stated keeping her arms crossed. Cynthia was seated the same as she kept her stare straight before speaking. "What happened to you, Quinn? Don't you think you've done enough damage this week to last yourself a lifetime?" Cynthia began before exhaling deeply. "Don't feel bad if they never want to deal with you again. Even if some of them do forgive you, things will never be the same. But as for my daughter and my son-in-law, I can safely say that ship has completely sailed. Therefore, if you ever come in contact with either of them or even call or write Sam, I will hunt you down." She said in a calm manner.

Quinn's eyes went wide as she turned towards the beautiful brown-skinned woman. "I mean if I find out about a text, twitter, Facebook poke, email, Skype, anything I will make sure to make a personal visit to you and you will never be found," Cynthia said in an eerie whisper, that sent chills down Quinn's spine. "Understand?" Cynthia said as she turned in her seat and locked eyes with the young beauty queen. "I said, understand?" Quinn nodded before speaking. "Y-yes. I understand."

 Suddenly an overhead announcement about Quinn's flight was spoken as it signaled people to get up and walk towards the line to board the plane. Quinn and Cynthia got up also, with Cynthia walking behind her. Quinn carefully glanced over her shoulder to see the older woman looking at her sternly. Quinn knew a mother's hard stare when she saw one. Remembering her mother giving her that same stare when she was pregnant. t was one that she couldn't argue with. She just hurried away to get in line and away from Cynthia Jones.

Cynthia watched Quinn quickly move up and hand the ticket person her boarding pass. She mumbled thank you and quickly went down the tunnel before Cynthia lightly laughed and turned away heading out the airport. "She didn't even say goodbye," Cynthia said to herself.

Sam and Mercedes sat there with Stevie and Stacy. The teens finished up telling the young adults what has been going on with them. Sam and Mercedes looked at each other and sighed. "Well, what are you both thinking?" Stacy asked as Stevie wrung his hands, nervously. "Yeah, I know you are both busy and we are responsible and mature-." Stevie began as Mercedes cut him off. "So, you guys went to that private school because you felt we wanted to be alone as a newly married couple?" They both nodded. She softly smiled as she shook her head. "We didn't want that, guys. We wanted you with us. That's why whenever you came home, we stopped and soaked it in." "Yeah," Sam agreed. "With dad and mom dying, there was nowhere else we wanted you both than with us. This is your home and we are your family." He reminded them.

Stevie and Stacy glanced at each other as Stevie asked for them both. "So, what does this mean?" Sam grinned at Mercedes as they looked at the teens. "It means welcome back home, permanently!" Mercedes screamed with joy as they all stood up and hugged each other before giving one big group hug.

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